If you go to the first page of this thread; can you see all the youtube videos?
And if not, what happens when you click on Play?
Is this normal? For me it says a bunch of stuff; from This video doesn't exist, to a bunch of copyright infringements to This video has been removed to the artists having some to do with, videos that are over 40 years old!
Is this a new wave, or normal? Is it just on my end or is it the same for everyone?
EDIT: Ok, I had to google:
I never experienced that in the past. And those links I just provided I don't think they have anything to do with it.
If anyone has knowledge on this, a setting, anything, that would be cool to know.
But first I need to know if this, is a universal issue. Is this strictly country related, world related, or what?
Is this a new thing from youtube, or is this a new computer feature?
Can I promote my favorite artist musicians? Is it legal to make my own youtube videos and are there restrictions, like time expiration period, fees to pay to youtube, my government, the tax department, my credit card company, Trump, Trudeau, ...who should I contact to view old videos from 40-50 years ago?
Do I need a permission from my Internet service provider, do I need to pay more than what I already pay way overpriced fees?
I guess everyone can see all those videos as there are no replies. Cool, then it's only on my end.
I'll search some more...I might get lucky and find the answer...