Music Videos - - The Greats!

* Depeche Mode have made seventeen albums. I have eight, half.
I grew up listening to this band, among The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, ZZ Top, the Stones, John Coltrane and Beethoven.
Then a long brake (it's normal in music evolution). Audiophiles with vast music collections they all know that; there is simply not enough time in a lifetime to go full steam in all the music there is on the planet, and to explore all the bands and music genres equally. It would take, in my calculated estimation, approximately seven trillion light years...and more. Of course I'm not serious...thinking of Michael Fremer.

But recently I am not only rediscovering them (Depeche Mode) but I will get some of their newer albums missing in my repertoire.
Music exploration through discussions has the power do do that, we are allowed to explore further in audio, in video, in music, in is all the 7.65 billion humans inhabiting the globe.
There are no laws, no rules that stop people watching their news on whichever channel they want @ any given time.
This also applies to music listening and film/documentary watching.

? I love Electronica, I love Blues more...I fly, I cry listening to Opera, I'm @ peace listening to Classical, I feel real good listening to Jazz, some World music I love dancing and be happy. Music is everything that matters and more ? everything matters...people playing beautiful music.
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