i certainly hear what you are saying Peter about your perspective on things. but you were always tone deaf to perspectives on the way you set your "Natural Sound" system thread apart, above and separated from other 'unknowing' efforts. in spite of repeated critical comments referencing those views. very polarizing.Here’s my perspective, Mike. I don’t represent anyone or any products. I am not an influencer. I don’t use influencing status to negotiate pricing. I am a hobbyist and I paid full asking price for everything in my system. I do not negotiate price. This is my system, and there is no purpose for this system thread other than for me to share my thoughts on this system.
I’m not diminishing Ralph’s knowledge and expertise. I just do not think it has any place here in my system thread. Ralph is using my system thread as a platform to promote his products over a competitor’s products. Vladimir is not here to join the discussion and possibly disagree with some of Ralph’s claims.
You are right that this is about a higher road. Manufacturers and members of the industry should be held to a higher standard. They should not diminish competitor’s products on hobbyist system threads.
Imagine David Karmeli coming onto your turntable threads and starting to tell you that his turntable is much better than all three of yours and then to explain the technical reasons. And then tell you you couldn’t possibly think your turntables represent the information on the record because the technology and implementation won’t allow it. Then telling you that you can’t use words to express your thoughts about your system in the naming of your thread.
David Karmeli would never do such a thing and you well understand this. Here we have Ralph doing just that. It does not reflect well on him and it is revealing of character. So yes, there is a higher road, this time not taken.
and really that is all ok, and i'm happy that you are doing your own thing and are happy. but this elite secret handshake positioning and aligning yourself so strongly with ddk and his direction changes the equation for innocence. just my 2 cents. your thread has a very strong message. and it's not just yours singularly. it's something more than that. which is where my perspective comes from. and my feelings about that are not secret as Tima references. guilty as charged.
as far as me and David and his judgments over the years of my activities, he has said his share of things and sometimes i reacted, sometimes not, but i never had any threads where i set myself up like you have. my threads had limited time frames and narrow subject matters. that was and is my posting style. plenty of people take shots at me. i get it. i have my opinions and my own ego and can be defensive too. words can hurt. humble pie does not taste good.
i am not defending Ralph or his opinions or actions at all, only that in my opinion your thread and unflinching representations of your truths ask for challenges. so to pull the commercial card is not valid to me. my personal opinion.
like i said, you have a little high ground over Ralph, but only a little.
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