Bullseye , Which is fundamentally why the whole descriptor ‘Natural’ In the context of this thread is a total fallacy where Instrumental works are concerned, If the series of complex sound waves emanating from say a Viola Da Gamba , in and of itself a man made construct , comprised of inert woods ,glue , horn and gut strings, fails to satisfy that simple “Inherently from nature” ‘rule’ how can anything that is produced by it be considered as “Sounding Natural” and be used as a litmus test for “Natural Sound” .
Extrapolate this further and we arrive at an even more absurd consideration such as . Does Amplifier X or Y replicate the
‘Not Found In Nature‘ sound wave patterns as emanating from the aforementioned ‘Not Found In Nature’ Viola Da Gamba, “Sound Natural” .
We can however consider whether the arbitrary Amplifier has or has not replicated the sound waves ‘Not Found In Nature’ that emanated from the man made instrument *Accurately* or otherwise… We can even get a little bit carried away and consider whether we might like the particular wave pattern sounds as replicated by Amplifier X more than Amplifier Y , what we cannot say being whether Amplifier X “Sounds More Natural“ than Amplifier Y when conveying sounds produced by man made Instruments .
Of course the above only applies to Anthropogenic works Viz :
Bach, J S: Cello Suites Nos. 1-6, BWV1007-1012. DG Archiv: 4776724
And not Recordings of the Human voice , Individually / Solo or Duet or a choral work etc , recordings of which by their intrinsic nature qualify as ‘Natural Sounds’ ergo Amplifier X and Y might be assessed for an ability to amplify in this case a ‘Natural Sound’ , more or less ‘Naturally’ , the same would apply to Bird Song , A Dog Fox barking in the woods , A waterfall or a Herd Of Cattle Passing Gas etc etc etc .