Moving back closer to Peter's system thread. There is not just 1 single set of specific gears that once assembled properly will get the natural sound Peter and Ddk talking about. Selection of gears will vary the degree of that natural sound. I believe many gears will bring about attributes of natural sound that Peter wrote in bullet points earlier. But Equipment A might give a higher degree of .... than B. While some gears will prohibit or mask those attributes. Gears that ddk recommends are what he has selected through his life long experience of trying. One has to go back and see if his goal is to build a system to have a character or sound presentation as those bullet points peter described if choosing ddk's recommended gears. My speakers are very different from Peter's and not what ddk would recommend. To him and to me too there are speakers that can do the job a lot cheaper. My phono is also a different brand from Peter's which I don't know what brand he is using now. The way I see it the sound of my system definitely has a different tone from his. His Vitavox has better bass. But I believe both system cover all bullet points of natural sound...only a matter of different in degree in each attribute. I never wrote I changed my speaker position from toe-in to almost toe straight too because I didn't want Peter to get too confident back then

. Somehow the sound turned less "concentrated" and this make the presentation further more at ease and calls for even less attention. By ease I don't mean vintage tone that is too easy to the ears. I mean music just play in front of me like you walk pass a band playing in a hotel lobby. You realize it is there but you could just disregard its presence. This doesn't mean the presentation is boring. Part of the natural sound Peter and ddk talk about in this thread is about "contrast." Natural sound includes tremendous contrast of instruments especially in orchestra music that make the sound so interesting without adding more dynamic. For example, my phono is probably considered lame by many. You directly compare with three other phonos you probably find it not the most dynamic, best vocal, best etc. of the obvious. But if you listen long enough you would realize this phono with theTelefunken has super clarity and contrast that make each recording very different without homogeneity. What I am saying is an example of using different gear but lead to one of the attribute of natural sound.
The important thing is to have heard the sound once. Call it natural sound or whatever you will term it. This sound presentation might lock-in to you and thing start to click making you see a different direction you may want to use as North star. For me the approach takes me to a more believable sound. I still have area that I want to improve the sound of my system but I am just so not in the mood to put any more money into my system.
Apology to Peter for writing about myself in his thread. Apologize for my messy writing. I blame it on my wife who does not let me have time for organizing my thought.