Yes David, it is time to stop listening to music, you have to read F.Toole instead !Read your own previous post to me. I’m not talking to Toole.
Yes David, it is time to stop listening to music, you have to read F.Toole instead !Read your own previous post to me. I’m not talking to Toole.
Why is that an issue when it’s true Al? In every field there are people who know more and those who know less, no one knows everything pieces of that knowledge is spread out among group, that’s reality are we now supposed to ignore that fact too? Ignoring it means never learning. How do you communicate and learn when the topic isn’t understood why is clarification contemptuous?
. . .
I just read in interesting post in a different thread where the advice from one with "more experience" to the other with less, was roughly this: "Stop chasing your tail and stick with what you have. Fine tune the sound to your liking with these cables." I suppose one could add to cables other accessories. This leads to always fine tuning, adding stuff, changing things always searching. I used to do that thinking cables are a "component". I eagerly read reviews of things that promised to improve the sound. I know that approach and it was one I followed for years.
This approach is valid and popular. There is nothing wrong with it. A less popular, but equally valid approach, as I see it, is to search for the right components which deliver the sound you like, and then treat/judge cables and accessories with the opposite view: they should not tune the sound. In fact they should "do no harm". They should not add or remove anything from the sound. They should not be used to flavor or shape the sound to you liking. The sound and presentation is from the source, electronics, and speakers. This also allows one to spend more on the main components. This is the approach I took with this new system. . . .
Perhaps everyone does this too, but I see a difference between the advice about trying different cables to tune a system, and the advice to find cables (just one example) to do no harm. One enhances or smooths over, the other contributes nothing, or as close to nothing as one can determine. I am not suggesting one approach is better or worse than the other. I am simply sharing my observation of the contrast between the two different approaches. There are certainly other valid approaches too, or variations of these.
. . .
Isn't this analysis using the example of cables based on your premise that cables are not components?
If someone considers cables to be components then couldn't it as easily be stated that one must make sure to select electronic components that don't "add or remove anything from the sound" of the cables?
You need to be specific Al you’re too vague. If you’re talking about my exchange with Marc then it wasn’t unsolicited he was a participant in the thread. My comment about litter boxes is accurate in this context, ie the natural sound in Peter’s thread which I clarified further what it was so not to add further confusion. How someone takes it is up to them I see it as a nudge in the right direction if this natural sound is what they’re after. I never told him or anyone else for that matter what to like, ever.David, I understand and support that, but that was not my point.
My point was that people don't get to tell other people what to like in an unsolicited manner, and in the process to basically imply or say explicitly that they don't hear or listen the right way, or don't perceive things the right way when they don't share the same opinion.
Doing so also does not take into account that people have different tastes, and perceive music differently, even when they all have unamplified live music as reference. Why else would different people even with substantial knowledge of what the industry has to offer arrive at completely different system types?
Peter told me that he appreciated that you did not tell him what to hear when you suggested changes, but that you let him discover things himself, and in the process let him form his own way of liking things.
So you certainly did not tell him what to like in an unsolicited manner, and you did not tell him what type of system to buy. A number of people on this forum do tell others, even when not asked for their opinion. They know who they are -- or at least they should know if they possess a sufficient degree of self awareness, which is not guaranteed by any means.
Ron, this is not an analysis. This is an thought that came to me when I read that a member who wanted to get off the merry go round was told by his dealer to keep his components and just get some cables (from him) to change the sound to suit the client. I have often heard about people doing this, and so I am wondering if this can be considered an "approach". Not just cables, but the idea of getting more and more accessories to alter the sound of his system to his liking.
This approach as compared to another approach which is to focus more on the main components - source, electronics, speakers - to determine the sound, and then to get cables, rack, power cords, perhaps some treatment (furniture or commercial acoustic treatments) that do not change the sound, that is do no harm.
It is just an observation of what might or might not be considered two different approaches. I am simply curious what others think. I stated that I followed the first approach with my other system, and the second approach with my current system. It is basically deciding what to focus one's attention on.
I do not have a premise which states that cables are not components. I said that some manufacturers and dealers claim that cables should be considered as components. I don't think of cables in those terms.
You need to be specific Al you’re too vague. If you’re talking about my exchange with Marc then it wasn’t unsolicited he was a participant in the thread. My comment about litter boxes is accurate in this context, ie the natural sound in Peter’s thread which I clarified further what it was so not to add further confusion. How someone takes it is up to them I see it as a nudge in the right direction if this natural sound is what they’re after. I never told him or anyone else for that matter what to like, ever.
A less popular, but equally valid approach, as I see it, is to search for the right components which deliver the sound you like, and then treat/judge cables and accessories with the opposite view: they should not tune the sound. In fact they should "do no harm". They should not add or remove anything from the sound. They should not be used to flavor or shape the sound to you liking. The sound and presentation is from the source, electronics, and speakers. This also allows one to spend more on the main components. This is the approach I took with this new system.
"They should not be used to flavor or shape the sound to your liking." I don't think you can use this statement without appearing hypocrite. Natural sound is the sound to your liking. You have speaker cables and interconnects that you think work very well with the gears you have now. Are you using ones that David pick out for you? If not have you tried ones that David would use? Selecting gears including cables to get natural sound is unavoidable. Everyone has to go through the process of selection. Only those who copy the recipe of people who already figured out which do a good match can short cut the process. I took a short cut and copied David's on most gears...basically followed what he recommended. But Other people have their own path. They already chose and paid huge money on the equipments they have and may not be thinking to 100% turn around their system. Most don't use Lamm. So they have to figure out which cables work best with their main equipments and still get them to proximity of natural sound. Implying that people trying to get the right cable that work with the equipment they are owning to get the same check list you wrote describing natural sound is sound seasoning is just not so humble imo. Inviting push back.This approach is valid and popular. There is nothing wrong with it. A less popular, but equally valid approach, as I see it, is to search for the right components which deliver the sound you like, and then treat/judge cables and accessories with the opposite view: they should not tune the sound. In fact they should "do no harm". They should not add or remove anything from the sound. They should not be used to flavor or shape the sound to you liking. The sound and presentation is from the source, electronics, and speakers. This also allows one to spend more on the main components. This is the approach I took with this new system.
"They should not be used to flavor or shape the sound to your liking." I don't think you can use this statement without appearing hypocrite. Natural sound is the sound to your liking. You have speaker cables and interconnects that you think work very well with the gears you have now. Are you using ones that David pick out for you? If not have you tried ones that David would use? Selecting gears including cables to get natural sound is unavoidable. Everyone has to go through the process of selection. Only those who copy the recipe of people who already figured out which do a good match can short cut the process. I took a short cut and copied David's on most gears...basically followed what he recommended. But Other people have their own path. They already chose and paid huge money on the equipments they have and may not be thinking to 100% turn around their system. Most don't use Lamm. So they have to figure out which cables work best with their main equipments and still get them to proximity of natural sound. Implying that people trying to get the right cable that work with the equipment they are owning to get the same check list you wrote describing natural sound is seasoning their sound is just not so humble imo. Inviting push back.
David went through so much before reaching the cable he thinks work best. The 30 years process of trial and error switching trying cables could be the same as many other people who are trying to do that now but with different main equipment and different starting point. Some may find the same truth about cable as David. Some may not.
Kind regards,
i went many years not thinking about them. at all. i had my 'zeel' BNC's (darTZeel's 50 ohm interface) between my sources and preamp and amps, and my Absolute Fidelity power cords in most places. no, this was not zip cord, but i had plenty of 'uber' cables around previously and was 'satisfied' that my cables got out of the way. my system was tuned to be neutral. i did play around for a while with some spendy Tara Labs with my dac investigations, but that was short lived. they did boost performance but not relative to cost of acquisition.
then a few years ago adding turntables and phono's and cartridges it was suggested by Mik (member 108CY) that the LFD cables could be transformative to unleashing another level of performance. especially in a phono cable dealing with such a low level signal. based on Mik's accuracy on other recs i finally did jump into the LFD cables. no tonal shifts or brittle transient emphasis! just more information and flow.
in a fully mature system another level of performance was reached not otherwise accessible.
cables as components? you bet. much more natural sounding. as more music being revealed is. these are not 'production-line' cables. they are essentially hand-built one-off assemblies. multiple strands with different metallurgy combined and mixed just 'so'. and the wait time to acquire them is 6 months to a year, or more. like waiting for a bespoke tt to be built.
anyone who has visited Mik, and heard these cables (even higher levels than i have) has been pretty amazed.
there is a thread about them if you have an interest. just posting here to offer a another viewpoint. zero expectations anyone is going to change their minds. we are 'dug-in' here pretty good.
Would you choose the same cable in a different set or do you then start again comparing?The comparison was short because the difference was obvious, clear cut.
Not using any is.... very black backgroundUsing cables is tuning with cables
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