This is an inaccurate depiction and misrepresentation of “natural sound”, is this the limit of your understanding of “NS”? ”Natural Sound” is the playback system and accuracy not coloring the recording. You’ll hear the differences in recordings some more natural than others, it shows the drawbacks of so called “audiophile” pressings, I’ve mentioned them many times and how fake they are. Fortunately there are thousands of decent to great recordings and pressings done outside of that group.
Fortunately ”natural sound” has a very wide listening window and not limited to a few hundred records like ”absolute sound” was assigned. There are many wonderful lists and great music from everywhere we don’t need to limit ourselves to one man’s list.
While there are similarities between the ideals “natural sound” and “absolute sound” there’s a fundamental difference between the philosophies and the people behind each. People behind “natural sound” were a group of doers and visionaries capable of accomplishing their goals in this field as they succeeded in capturing and recreating recordings of all kinds ”naturally” long before Pearson ever came on the scene and come with “AS” initially heavily borrowed “NS”. HP was a talker not a doer, he talked about something that I’m not sure he really understood. He spent 2.5 decades or more meandering and talking about something that he never achieved and if you ever visited Sea Cliff you’d know he never even close to touching. In the last decade even his writing fell apart and was throwing everything and anything including the kitchen sink into the mix, he was only a talker not a doer and maybe that’s his appeal to you, talk. A lot of his career was of a sales rep anyway, he’d promote one product as the ultimate answer to “as” just to knock it down and recommend another one in the next issue. This went on and on for decades doing the same for his pals and putting people on the insane merry go round of worthless and endless audio purchases parting with huge sums of money while never educating the audience and keeping them dependent on his lists and drivel. I never forget his one quote regarding $20k Nordost power cords, “you haven’t heard you system without them” or something to that affect. He’s the man you like and quote as the flip side

(an emoji for you).