For $3000 (OP:s budget limit) you can get the equipment I have recommended and imo you can get "enough" quality to feel that it is worth it. It takes a lot of time and it is demanding but in the process you learn a lot. I have seen a lot of people using reflectors on this level. But the choice between a 80mm refractor and a 200 mm reflector is a classic and there is pro and cons with both. Cloudy Night is a good source for helping OP to choose.
Here is a "internet friends" picture of M42 with the cheap reflector I recommended. Not top notch but I think it is quality considering he is a beginner and the photo was taken in a + 1.000.000 city in freezing winter climate on a small hill (where he carries the equipment everytime he want to take pictures). Also, the end result is also a result how well you manage to handle all the pictures and combine them in a good way with the computer software. That alone takes a lot of time to manage.
Astro photography is a hobby for people with high degree of motivation. With simpler equipment it takes more of you than with state of the art. I have myself doing some astro photography but it wasnt for me. All the time goes to monitoring the equipment and no time goes to observations and that was not my cup of tea.