Negative show report posts... enough is enough.

Peter Breuninger

[Industry Expert] Member Sponsor
Jul 20, 2010
Lately the boards, and I mean all of the boards and the 'zines (as well) have been posting negative show room reports.

I believe this is the lowest of low behavior. It is frankly cowardly, if you don't have anything positive to say then why say anything at all. How would you like it if I was invited into your home and then publically bashed your system?

We all hear differently. We all have biases. By posting a negative report you are in effect elevating yourself as an expert and trust me, you are not an expert. Experts know why rooms have problems, experts know why components get mismatched. Experts know that certain music can make or break a room.

Do these cowards know how hard it is to setup a system in a hotel room in one day?

I've frankly had enough of this behavior.

Peter Breuninger
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I don't know what you mean by "room reports," Peter. Are you talking about demos at shows, or people writing negative reports after hearing systems in peoples' private homes?

Why say anything at all then? Our world has become so PC I'm scared to open my mouth.
People have a right to their opinion. If they don't like something, then tell us why and what is the reference you are basing it on. Even the room that I was in for 3 days had problems (mbl), but for the most part, the tonality and scale were correct.
What I don't understand is why a vendor would want to come on a public forum and tell me my opinion is wrong!
Audio Show room reports; pay attention :D
Well, if we're talking about audio show rooms, that's not somebody's home, it's marketing. And when you put it out there you invite all opinions and analysis, not just positive reinforcement. This ain't kindergarten where kids get a ribbon for trying; this is a business.

I agree with you Peter! To me a show is not primarily about sound, but rather an opportunity to discover what new gear is out there, and to discuss the benefits of said gear with the manufacturer/distributor, should that gear be of interest to you.

However, you yourself are adding to this problem (in reverse) by discussing with your reviewers what they thought the best rooms were and giving out awards for them. My opinion would be to not say anything at all (positive or negative) and to only discuss the technologies and gear presented.
Thanks Johnny Vinyl. This is What's BEST Forum, not What's WORST Forum.
I thought this was the reality of such shows. One person says such and such is the best room they have heard. And another would say that is the worst room they have heard.

Is it that there are far more negative remarks this go around than last? I have not seen that here as there has been a bunch of positive remarks about a number of rooms/systems.
In other words Peter, all the reports from listeners must be glowing? So as to not hurt sales? Really? So all the 'zines as you call them and websites are here to sell equipment? Interesting. Says a ton to me.
There are plenty of positive room reports to go with the negative. Sure there are lots of reasons for a room that doesn't meet expectations, but there is little reason to exhibit if you don't have a good sounding room. Shows are no longer a plce for distributors to meet dealers and reviewers, they are where much of the interested customr base will have a chance to compare and contrast different products. Do it right or don't bother and obviously no room will plese everyone.
I guess if you go to one of these shows and sit in the sweet spot and either don't like what you hear or are just not bowled over, it disqualifies you as an audio "expert". Ha!
but there is little reason to exhibit if you don't have a good sounding room. .

That's what Philip told me on Saturday. He'd love to showcase the Vivid G1 speakers, but they would not work in any of these hotel rooms. The G3 was more suited in a smaller room and I totally agree. Some of these dealers just do not know how to set up a system in these rooms and it's sad.....
Why say anything at all then? Our world has become so PC I'm scared to open my mouth.
People have a right to their opinion.


In other words Peter, all the reports from listeners must be glowing? So as to not hurt sales? Really? So all the 'zines as you call them and websites are here to sell equipment? Interesting. Says a ton to me.

Indeed. Why all those glowing reviews without any meaningful comparisons? Are reviewers afraid of manufacturers? Not our, the readers', problem. And why would manufacturers care anyway about indiscriminately positive reviews that reveal too little about a component's individual character in comparison with others and thus are ultimately uninteresting? The whole culture needs to change, in the interest of both consumers and manufacturers alike.

Look at car reviews, for example. Often they feature brutal comparisons of the car under review with others.

There are plenty of positive room reports to go with the negative. Sure there are lots of reasons for a room that doesn't meet expectations, but there is little reason to exhibit if you don't have a good sounding room. Shows are no longer a plce for distributors to meet dealers and reviewers, they are where much of the interested customr base will have a chance to compare and contrast different products. Do it right or don't bother and obviously no room will plese everyone.

Lately the boards, and I mean all of the boards and the 'zines (as well) have been posting negative show room reports.

I believe this is the lowest of low behavior. It is frankly cowardly, if you don't have anything positive to say then why say anything at all.

No, Peter, instead of 'enough is enough', finally there is some honesty in the business. And I would assume that many reviewers of the magazines who finally, finally dare to criticize anything have taken the effort to actually sit in the sweet spot. And if it doesn't sound good at least there, there is no excuse. If you can't get it to work, then please exhibit with a silent exhibition.
That's what Philip told me on Saturday. He'd love to showcase the Vivid G1 speakers, but they would not work in any of these hotel rooms. The G3 was more suited in a smaller room and I totally agree.

Good for him that he uses that approach.
No, Peter, instead of 'enough is enough', finally there is some honesty in the business. And I would assume that many reviewers of the magazines who finally, finally dare to criticize anything have taken the effort to actually sit in the sweet spot. And if it doesn't sound good, there is no excuse. If you can't get it to work, then please exhibit with a silent exhibition.
Seems rather harsh when one has a day, maybe two to get everything right. Perhaps the expectation level is too high.
if you don't have anything positive to say then why say anything at all. How would you like it if I was invited into your home and then publically bashed your system?

Bad comparison, Peter. A private home is private, a public exhibition is there to be publicly judged, even if the judgment is negative.

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