New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Harden explodes for 37 points in debut game for Rockets. Lin was not bad, dishing out assists and scoring 12 points. This is now a young and fast Rockets team.

Bad news for the Lakers, Nash had a leg injury in a loss to Portland, who seem to always play energized basketball.

Anthony Davis did quite well in his NBA debut. The guy is poised to be a future superstar player. Great basketball IQ.
0-8 should have Mike Brown and the Princeton offense somewhat concerned

Yeah Steve. Though Kobe had 30 and Dwight hit 33 it was still not enough to win the game. Mike should also be looking at their defense as well. The season is still early of course, and it should take about half of it for teams with new players like Boston and LAL to focus.
0-8 should have Mike Brown and the Princeton offense somewhat concerned

I agree with Steve. Considering what the Lakers spent, they should be coming out of the blocks charging.

I haven't really studied Mike Brown's Princeton offense but from the looks of it, Miami's offense is the most potent that I've seen right now. It's the WAY they swing the ball around, it's almost like a perfect passing team that swings the ball like a frizzbee to anyone and so far I have not seen non-catches. They must be doing that in practice for a whole day. Now, LAL defenitely got the scorers but if they can swing the ball around and dazzle and tire the defense like Miami does, then that will be equally effective, imo. What Miami has now is talent AND speed, even Chalmers has levelled up in his quickness. I thought they're supposed to slow down each year. But of course, the Lakers are a bit older generally speaking and they need time, as Kobe mentioned, to find their proper bearings, and I believe when they can continuously get huge point output from Gasol to add to Kobe and Howard's, they would be winning lots of games. Then the defense, which is another chapter altogether.

SAS is still very much around. They beat an OKC team with a full line-up while they didn't have Ginobili. The powers in the West are still these 3 - LAL, OKC and SAS. Well, Houston may be a surprise.

My C's meanwhile are still looking dazed and still 'old'. I believe Pierce and Garnett's offensive output will be even lower this season. Which means Terry, Green, Lee and even Sullinger the rookie will have to take over. And still without a true center, there's that hole that will deprives them of rebounds, blocks and put-backs. But since i'm a fan, I am patient too. :D
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I'm just dumbfounded. The media is focused on the Lakers' offense not yet clicking and the new Princeton offense scheme Mike Brown is trying to implement. Does anyone remember that (trite) expression: defense wins championships?

I've been harping on this now for a few years in this very thread: until the Lakers learn how to defend the pick and roll, they will not win the championship. Period. And the fact of the matter is, so long as Pau Gasol is playing power forward, the Lakers will not win the championship because he is too slow afoot to defend the pick and roll. It really is that simple. The Lakers should either use Pau Gasol as backup center or trade him. The Lakers will not win another championship until this happens.
Phil didn't need no stinkin' Princeton offense (apologies to Carrill who was a brilliant coach!).

And here lies the problem. Do you fit the system to the players or the players to the system?
I will have to wait for more than two games to make anything of the season. While Pau Gasol is more than suspect in defending the Pick and Roll, the presence of a healthy Howard changes the equation. The offense looks good to me, they are scoring the problem is: so is the other team... Howard hasn't been that good as a low post defender in those two games. Let's give it a few more weeks before we hang Mike Brown ... am not all that sold on him and can't understand what got him to the Lakers when they had Phil Jackson Junior aka Brian Shaw in the wings

The Celtics are in transition again it's too early.. The last time they got to the Championship, they didn't look too good.. Also even last year they were very close to the Championship .. they were stopped by a performance for the ages from LBJ.. Let's give some time to the teams ,e ven last year the Heat weren;t looking in the beginning all that good ... The coach was going to lose his job ...

People two games don't make a season ...

even though we are only 2 games into the season, if you count the preseason the Lakers are 0-8. I agree with Ron about the pick and roll and esp Gasol. Nonetheless he will be destined to have some moments of greatness but unfortunately they have been too few and far between

Lakers vs Clippers in half an hour. That wil be for initial bragging rights in LA
Knicks led by Carmelo's 30 and Novak's 17 and shooting 53 pct from three point land totally thrash the Heat in their home opener. Interestingly too, the Knicks opened with a three guard offense with Felton, Kidd and Brewer.
Knicks led by Carmelo's 30 and Novak's 17 thrash the Heat in their home opener.

Saw almost all of the game. Knicks used the outside 3's ala MIA to give the Heat a dose of their own medicine. Kidd and Chandler teams up like in the old Dallas days and that should be a plus for the Knicks. Funny it seems they might not need Amare after all. :D Somehow I still like Melo's play, he just have to be consistent and take off that smile and do a raging bull look the whole season. When he's feelin' it, it's hard to stop him. And how bout the so called RashWeed, he hit a 3 and the fans were rocking! :D
When I saw Rasheed on the bench I had to rub my eyes in disbelief

Yeah he's still not in shape though. Still wonder if he's got anything left in the tank? Maybe it'll be as a backup playing 15 mins a game.
It goes from bad to worse.

At half time when they interviewed Steve Nash, there was a comment that he was not enamored with the Princeton offense

If things continue like this I predict Mike Brown will be the first coaching casualty of this young season

The Lakers look absolutely ordinary
Yeah he's still not in shape though. Still wonder if he's got anything left in the tank? Maybe it'll be as a backup playing 15 mins a game.

If he gets lucky, Sheed will be like a PJ Brown scrapping for boards and making short stabs though he showed he still had some strength in actually draining a 3 tonight. The 'luxury' of the Knicks is that they have a choice between Camby and Sheed if there needs a vacancy during the game. :D

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