The OKC stars have been much criticized but does a team counter a person able to shoot from midfield with a close to 40% FGP? As if that wasn't a handful, wait... there is more
another mutant with slightly less range but still a better shooter than almost anybody else on the planet not named Steph Curry! PLus the team they play for has a strong collective defense . they're ball hounds, plus most people on the team including the big guys can shoot 3's and seem to have a green light to go for it whenever it is available or there is a play designed for a 3 that calls their names.. e.g Speigh's 3 when he was , of course wide open.
They lost to a great team , a team for the ages and there shouldn't be any shame to that. The Finals should be interesting, however I hate LBJ, thus any team he plays for, The Cavs seems to be working on all cylinders and are healthy. Will that be enough to dethrone the GSW? We'll see but my money is on the Warriors.