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As a Celtic fan, I have no problems with this 'trade'. :)

Bill Simmons thinks Ainge should trade Rondo, Ray and KG
Look at me,
I grew a mustache once!
Famous sportswriter and Boston Celtics fan Bill Simmons writes a piece today that is a recap of an imaginary anniversary for Danny Ainge's last good move. He basically just tears apart Ainge as a GM. At one point Simmons has an imaginary Sam Presti step to the imaginary podium and give a hypothetical plan for what Ainge should do with the team at the trade deadline this year. Of course this is actually what Simmons thinks Danny should do.

After the jump, you'll find the quote from the column. If you don't feel like reading all of that this is it in a nut shell. You should read the actual column here though, he has footnotes that go into more detail on these deals.

Trade KG to the Mavericks for Shawn Marion and Lamar Odom.
Trade Rondo and Jermaine O'Neal to the Lakers for Pau Gasol
Trade Ray Allen to the Clippers for Mo Williams and Eric Bledsoe, or Mo Williams and a 1st rounder
Gasol, Brandon Bass, Marion, Pierce and Mo Williams as starters, with Odom, Wilcox, Pietrus and Bradley as the first four subs

So what do you think?

"If you want to improve this year's team, turn your expiring contracts — KG, Ray, Chris, Keyon and Jermaine — into better players and don't worry about cap space. For instance, let's say you offered KG's expiring contract to Dallas for Shawn Marion and Lamar Odom3 — Cuban might jump at that because he's desperately trying to clear money for Dwight and Deron this summer. He needs to dump Marion's deal to do it. That's why you see him on Twitter pimping Marion to boost his trade value — it's comical. Turn KG into Odom and Marion and you're better right away — Marion is still one of the league's best defensive players. Plus, you'd save about $4 million in tax money."

[Cut to Grousbeck, Pallotta and Pagliuca happily nudging each other.]

Presti: "Next up, Rondo — I know he's fun to watch, but you can't build around someone that moody and unreliable, especially when any smart defense plays six feet off him in close games. That's why I shot down your 197 different Westbrook/Rondo offers, buddy. But the Lakers are panicking — they know Gasol is checking out, they desperately need a point guard and they can't afford to keep him AND Kobe on their cap. You have them by the balls here. I don't care if Gasol is 31 — he's the most skilled big man in the league, he has four or five quality years left, he's under contract through 2014 (same as Pierce), he'll be extra motivated after the trade, and maybe he'd rejuvenate Odom since they played so well together once upon a time. He'd be the best low-post guy you've had since Kevin McHale — "

Presti: "Anyway, offer them Rondo and Jermaine O'Neal's expiring for Gasol, a deal which saves them $24 million in tax money these next three years.4 I can't imagine them turning it down. You'd need a point guard, too, so offer Ray to the Clippers for Mo Williams and Eric Bledsoe. They desperately need a two-guard; they might be dumb enough to say yes.5 If they turn it down, settle on Mo and a future first for Ray, if only because it's always good to own two first-rounders from the league's most jinxed franchise. Mo's contract expires next year, and you can always re-sign Ray this summer."

[Cut to Danny frantically trying to write all of this down on a cocktail napkin.]

Presti: "Look at your new team — Gasol, Brandon Bass, Marion, Pierce and Mo Williams as starters, with Odom, Wilcox, Pietrus and Bradley as your first four subs. If Gasol and Odom get going, that's a dangerous 6-seed in the East, right?"
2 weeks to go before the trade deadline. ORL has gotta make their move or they will get nothing for Dwight Howard after March 15. They will repeat their Shaq episode if nothing is done.

NY was impressive today. Even scoring from starters and bench. And now who's this Steve Novak guy who's been scoring well these past few games? With Baron Davis in their bench too, they have good depth. They have 2 months to harden their D for a good season to come up.

Lakers and Celtics need some good trades too. They need a shot in the arm.

And Odom is mysteriously missing for 3 games with Dallas amid buyout rumors.
2 weeks to go before the trade deadline. ORL has gotta make their move or they will get nothing for Dwight Howard after March 15. They will repeat their Shaq episode if nothing is done.

NY was impressive today. Even scoring from starters and bench. And now who's this Steve Novak guy who's been scoring well these past few games? With Baron Davis in their bench too, they have good depth. They have 2 months to harden their D for a good season to come up.

Lakers and Celtics need some good trades too. They need a shot in the arm.

And Odom is mysteriously missing for 3 games with Dallas amid buyout rumors.

They got him from the Spurs around the same time as Lin :) He's been a good 3-pt shooter in his career with a career ave of around 43%--but last couple of years has been closer to 50%. Oh and he's 6-10 too so he can shoot over pretty much anybody. Helps them white boys who can't jump :)

FYI, he was a pretty good college players for Marquette and hold a number of records there. He was also a first team big East pick the year he was sixth in the league in scoring, first in 3pt point pct and lead Marquette in FT% at 97%. So he's got some pedigree and is getting the opportunity in NY. Last night 17 pts in 17 mins.
They got him from the Spurs around the same time as Lin :) He's been a good 3-pt shooter in his career with a career ave of around 43%--but last couple of years has been closer to 50%. Oh and he's 6-10 too so he can shoot over pretty much anybody. Helps them white boys who can't jump :)

FYI, he was a pretty good college players for Marquette and hold a number of records there. He was also a first team big East pick the year he was sixth in the league in scoring, first in 3pt point pct and lead Marquette in FT% at 97%. So he's got some pedigree and is getting the opportunity in NY. Last night 17 pts in 17 mins.

Thanks for the backgrounder on Novak, Myles. I wonder why the Celtics never picked him up. :D I look forward to the Knicks contending this season. I rooted for them when they had that 'war' with MJ's Bulls in the 90s. I thought they were gonna beat the Bulls then in that series...
Watching the OKC vs Magic game all I can reiterate is that this OKC team is for real and I still believe they are the best in the West and have the potential to win it all. They are young and very good and they will wear a team down unless that team can control the tempo
Watching the OKC vs Magic game all I can reiterate is that this OKC team is for real and I still believe they are the best in the West and have the potential to win it all. They are young and very good and they will wear a team down unless that team can control the tempo

You mean "West" right? :) NBA power rankings has Miami (East) 1st and OKC (West) 2nd. That would be a war. Oh and Harden is also turning into a force to be reckoned with :)
Harden, Durant and Westbrook score 80% of the points

I believe OKC can beat the Heat. These kids are fearless and Durant vs LBJ. Could it be any better. KD is a gentle giant with stunning accuracy from way out and can drive the basket with amazing speed. He doesn't pump his chest and I have never seen him choke. KD is a candidate for MVP this year IMO.

Magic blew a 14 point lead and lose to OKC (they also beat 76ers yesterday)
Anybody that can beat the Heat is good for me. :D

OKC is fantastic to watch this season. And they've got a championship center in Perkins who helps choke the inner lane to stop the drives of Wade and James if they meet in the Finals. It will indeed be a slam bang series. Something to look forward to.
Anybody that can beat the Heat is good for me. :D

OKC is fantastic to watch this season. And they've got a championship center in Perkins who helps choke the inner lane to stop the drives of Wade and James if they meet in the Finals. It will indeed be a slam bang series. Something to look forward to.

"If" it happens I am betting OKC
"If" it happens I am betting OKC

Realy!?! LBJ whom I hate with a fervor is playing at a level very few in the NBA have ever ... D.Wade is one of the NBA top 5 players and Bosh one of the top 10. The Heat role players (Chalmes in particular) are playing like stars,Team defnse is good and intense: they clamp teams like a vise ..
Meanwhile, back in the West, Dallas is having a very good season ... Under the radar ... One of the best Offense and Defense inthe NBA.... OKC won't have it easy nor will the Heat... I also think that if the Heat reach the Finals .. LBJ wil not put his customary Houdini act ... No! The Heat in the Finals are dangerous and will win over any team they face this year .. if they reach the finals .. not a given with strange teams like Philadelphia and the Knicks playing the way they are .. Very, very interesting season, I must say.. Suprisingly good season considering all that has happened
Like I said, if it happens I am betting OKC. As I also said, I have never seen KD choke in a big game. The Thunder is peaking and in case you haven't looked they have the best record in the NBA. As for Dallas, if you are thinking they are having a good season then the Lakers must be as well as they are 1/2 game ahead of the Mavs but IMO both will go out early

And yes Frantz if it happens you and I will have a gentleman's bet as I am still betting the Thunder over the Heat.

Did you watch them come back and beat the Sixers in Phila and then roar back the next night from down 14 to easily beat the Magic
Maybe he's angling to be released so L.A. can re-sign him.;) Or maybe Miami can re-sign him and virtually lock up the title.
Maybe he's angling to be released so L.A. can re-sign him.;) Or maybe Miami can re-sign him and virtually lock up the title.

possible. odom has an attitude problem and it's showing now. hardly a trait of a pro.
Great game, UTAH beats Miami by 1. Game announcer, at the last second missed shot of Haslem from Lebron James - 'HE PASSED IT AGAIN'. He, was Lebron James. In the All Star Game a few days ago, James passed the ball at the dying seconds and the ball was intercepted by the West. He passed it again. Let's see if this phrase goes away come June.
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"he passed it again," I think this refers to Lebron driving to the basket only to pass the ball to an open teammate who subsequently missed the outside jumper. Can't remember if this happened vs Dallas during the finals last year or during his final year with the Cavs when they lost to the Celtics for the 2010 Eastern crown. I clearly remember that lebron drew a lot of flack for passing up what would have been the game winning shot.
"he passed it again," I think this refers to Lebron driving to the basket only to pass the ball to an open teammate who subsequently missed the outside jumper. Can't remember if this happened vs Dallas during the finals last year or during his final year with the Cavs when they lost to the Celtics for the 2010 Eastern crown. I clearly remember that lebron drew a lot of flack for passing up what would have been the game winning shot.

That reference is correct, Jerry. If you watch the Utah vs Miami on nba,com highlights today, at the end of the recap they showed the same reference when James made a pass instead of driving all the way for a jump shot or layup. His pass was intercepted by a western all star and after the game, you will see Kobe kinda giving him a 'lecture' like Lebron should have taken the last shot instead of passing, and behind them, a visible entertained Carmelo, snickering at the same idea - shoot the ball, man. And then, back to the Utah game, James passed it again at the dying seconds to Haslem who missed the shot at the buzzer. It's quite amazing how James makes so many difficult shots DURING the game, and he PASSES up the all important game winning shot. One thing seems clear to me, he won't be up there with Bird, Magic, Jordan, and Kobe, among others, when it comes to game winning shots. Though some will argue that he's still 'young' in his career.
Magic was taking these shots as a rookie but I am willing to bet that this will not last ... They are a scary team and D-Wade is perfectly capable and willing to take the last shot .. I understand the fascination about OKC but I find them lacking that swagger that (even when understated like San Antonio or Dallas) that championship teams seem to have .. The Heat despite LBJ timidity during the last minutes of a game have it and so do the Bulls ... Let's not talk about the Celtics, Lakers, Bulls or even Pistons of yore... I could be wrong. I still don't see OKC beating Miami 4 games out of 7 ...

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