New and Updated Shunyata Research Power Conditioners Announced

Upgrade only available in US.

There will be an upgrade program announced for North American customers only. Some Shunyata distributors in EU and Asia "may" opt for a demo/used trade or trade-in program. This is at the discretion of each distributor.

If a customer can get the unit to the U.S. and back without significant government related customs and VAT issues then it is possible to do. Unfortunately we live in a world with ridiculous arbitrary borders and barriers to commerce. It is likely that it may be more cost effective to sell the v1 and buy the v2 in some countries.
There will be an upgrade program announced for North American customers only. Some Shunyata distributors in EU and Asia "may" opt for a demo/used trade or trade-in program. This is at the discretion of each distributor.

If a customer can get the unit to the U.S. and back without significant government related customs and VAT issues then it is possible to do. Unfortunately we live in a world with ridiculous arbitrary borders and barriers to commerce. It is likely that it may be more cost effective to sell the v1 and buy the v2 in some countries.

What will be the price of the upgrade and MSRP of the v2?
It is. We'll let the Hydra population decide if it's worth it. But just an aside, my service manager is dreading the coming flood of upgrade requests.

I have been quiet for a while as I am still awaiting my Berkely Reference DAC. They have had a problem with their CNC supplier in receiving clean chassis. Mike Ritter at Berkeley tells me I am about a month away. When I finally have this in my system (Been waiting since September!), I will do a short review on your new Anaconda Digital cables.

$1,995 per Triton x 3 = gulp! Okay Caelin, what can we expect to hear? I assume more of the same improvements that your products have made to date. The question is that what you have already accomplished is so damned good, what further improvements can be wrought? Is is possible to put a percentage on the overall improvements in the V2 Triton?
I have additionally heard that your new Triton outlets are a major improvement over your former ones. When will these be made available separately? My electrician is waiting! I imagine that those outlets may be the best bang for the buck product that you will be offering!
I have been quiet for a while as I am still awaiting my Berkely Reference DAC. They have had a problem with their CNC supplier in receiving clean chassis. Mike Ritter at Berkeley tells me I am about a month away. When I finally have this in my system (Been waiting since September!), I will do a short review on your new Anaconda Digital cables.

Okay Caelin, what can we expect to hear? I assume more of the same improvements that your products have made to date.

It is always difficult to describe something that someone else has never heard before. I can only try to give you an analogy. The upgrade to the Triton v2 is greater than the addition of a TYPHON to the system.

The question is that what you have already accomplished is so damned good, what further improvements can be wrought?

Isn't this the familiar refrain of each new advancemet that we have made over the years. We don't ever introduce a v2 of anything unless it is absolutely and definitively superior in an obvious way. It is good that you are thoroughly happy with your system. And I see no reason to do any upgrades or system changes when someone is happy with their music. Just don't try one "just to hear what you might be missing". Going forward is easy. Going back -- not so much.

We have not decided to sell the CopperCONN Outlets independently yet. They are quite expensive to produce so the retail price would have to be in the $300 range. At least in the beginning they will be used exclusively in our reference HYDRA products.
It is always difficult to describe something that someone else has never heard before. I can only try to give you an analogy. The upgrade to the Triton v2 is greater than the addition of a TYPHON to the system.

Enough said and that is a major "Wow"! I will call Rich Rogers this week to begin the scheduling. I want to do one at a time so that I am not "out of commission" with my systems. Will do the main rig first.

Sure I am pleased with my system, however I could always be more pleased with it!;)

We have not decided to sell the CopperCONN Outlets independently yet. They are quite expensive to produce so the retail price would have to be in the $300 range. At least in the beginning they will be used exclusively in our reference HYDRA products.
This is a shame, and I hope that you ultimately decide to do this. $300.00 for each entry point of electricity to the audio/video systems is "chicken feed" at the level that your top customers are playing.
As I said, the Triton v2 will not be released until early spring and the upgrade program will begin after that.

Okay, that being said, when should I call to schedule? Can I get in a queue now? Do you need a deposit to hold my place(s)? Please let me know. Thanks!
There will be an upgrade program announced for North American customers only. Some Shunyata distributors in EU and Asia "may" opt for a demo/used trade or trade-in program. This is at the discretion of each distributor.

If a customer can get the unit to the U.S. and back without significant government related customs and VAT issues then it is possible to do. Unfortunately we live in a world with ridiculous arbitrary borders and barriers to commerce. It is likely that it may be more cost effective to sell the v1 and buy the v2 in some countries.

Hi Caelin, can you work out a scheme so that local dealer can perform the upgrade? That will be the best for users outside US. I just bought a Triton (and Typhon) early last year. Will like to be able to upgrade without selling it so early (and losing $) :(

Hi Caelin, can you work out a scheme so that local dealer can perform the upgrade? That will be the best for users outside US. I just bought a Triton (and Typhon) early last year. Will like to be able to upgrade without selling it so early (and losing $) :(


Hi wstam. The upgrade is too complex and labor-intensive to be performed by a dealer or service tech. The best option is to speak to your dealer about the possibility of a trade-in and see what can be worked out through them.

Best regards,

Shunyata Research
This is a shame, and I hope that you ultimately decide to do this. $300.00 for each entry point of electricity to the audio/video systems is "chicken feed" at the level that your top customers are playing.

+1 - I'd pay $300 for better outlets. Maybe have a SR 71 and SR 72 and let your clients decide? Not trying to run your biz...just if they are good...I suspect they are good in other places too...
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As I said, the Triton v2 will not be released until early spring and the upgrade program will begin after that.

I'd appreciate your advice as I consider future Shunyatatization for my system. My front end (VTL 7.5 III/Meitner XDS1v2) currently utilizes a Triton and Typhon while the back end (Spectral 400s driving Pipedreams) are plugged directly into dedicated 40Amp circuits. My question is- where would I derive the most benefit with a new ~5-6K expenditure? Should I replace my original front end Triton with a V2 (you commented the benefits over the original Triton are more than the equivalent of adding a Typhon to an existing Triton), or, would it be more productive to add a Typhon to the back end for its exclusive use with the Spectral amps? Yes, I can appreciate the obvious answer is- do both! But seriously, what do you think would yield the most overall benefit if it was an either/or situation, as it appears it is at this time.
We have not decided to sell the CopperCONN Outlets independently yet. They are quite expensive to produce so the retail price would have to be in the $300 range. At least in the beginning they will be used exclusively in our reference HYDRA products.[/QUOTE]


Would it make sense to offer the first Copper-Conn outlet to purchasers of the Triton V.2 to plug their new units into OR will the law of unintended consequences just create more problems ??? :mad:

The website also mentioned upgrades to the DPC-6 ?

Thanks for all you do to further the enjoyment of music :D

All the best,

Hi wstam. The upgrade is too complex and labor-intensive to be performed by a dealer or service tech. The best option is to speak to your dealer about the possibility of a trade-in and see what can be worked out through them.

Best regards,

Shunyata Research

I also bought Triton and Typhoon mid last year. Is it possible work with local dealer to ship Triton back? Also with Triton V2 out, would you keep Triton V1 in your product offering?

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