New Diablo 333

I have reported this to the dealer who has passed it onto Gryphon so that they can provide some firmware fixes.
I hope you are lucky, but judging from my experience, I would look for a very comfortable seat, because the wait can be very, very long.

Can you confirm a couple of things?

1/ Does mute work properly? With my amp pressing the mute button sets the correct picture on the display (a cross). But the sound is NOT muted. Annoyingly this is intermittent.

2/ After sitting in standby occasionally the amp freezes and refuses to power up. I need to use the main switch to power off and on again. Then everything is normal.

I have reported this to the dealer who has passed it onto Gryphon so that they can provide some firmware fixes.

Would be interesting to know if you have experienced the same issues.

Otherwise I can concur with your findings. My 333 just continues to improve and I have upgraded the DAC to a T+A DAC200 which moves the sound to another level.

Sorry to hear about the issues you have with your sample.
I my case the Mute function works as it is supposed to - it silences the Diablo completely.
Regarding freezing after standby I rarely power mine down (fully or partially). But when I've done so I have never experienced any problems.
I take it you have tried to get it out of standby both via the touch panel and the remote with the same result?
Sorry to hear about the issues you have with your sample.
I my case the Mute function works as it is supposed to - it silences the Diablo completely.
Regarding freezing after standby I rarely power mine down (fully or partially). But when I've done so I have never experienced any problems.
I take it you have tried to get it out of standby both via the touch panel and the remote with the same result?
Thanks for replying. The mute issue is very odd. It does actually work - sometimes. If music is on then the relay doesn't click but the mute cross appears on the display and the sound continues. If I stop the music and press mute then most of the time the relay will click and mute is engaged. But to unmute I then need to press mute again and then press the volume control so it goes up or down one notch. Looks like a programming mess to me. But even this scenario doesn't play out all the time. The standby issue is where it just freezes whilst in standby module. Pressing power on the remote or on the front panel has no effect. A hard reset is required i.e. power off/on using the rocker switch.
Received a firmware file from my dealer and flashed the 333 from version 1.0 to 2.3. This new version was from April. The flashing procedure was relatively painless. You need a FAT formatted USB stick with the correct bin file for your region copied to the root folder. My dealer sent me the 230v version but there is a 120v version for NA. Flashing the wrong file will damage the amp. You then bring it out of standby and at the same press the little button next to the USB port with a paper clip. The front display power indicator turns red and green alternately. Then just plug in the USB stick and within a second or two it's done. The 333 then re-starts itself if all is good.

The mute issue looks to have been fixed. The relay now engages when I hit mute. Not sure about the standby freeze up problem as this is intermittent so keeping my fingers crossed on that one. And hoping there are no new bugs.

You can check the firmware version on the front panel by selecting menu -> restore settings.

I think the conclusion here is get the dealer to make sure the latest firmware is installed before the amp is delivered.
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A quick update. I spoke too soon. It looks like I have a sticky mute relay that will require a physical repair. Disappointing to say the least as the amp may have to be moved out of my rack. The "freeze" issue is a known problem which is supposed to be fixed in firmware version 2.4. My dealer sent me a pre-release copy which failed to install but thankfully it didn't cause a problem with the existing software as I feared it might brick the amp. Found out later that there was a checksum problem. So all in all, it's pretty disappointing to put it politely. Amp still sounds great but everything needs to work properly at this price level. You don't buy a Ferrari to be told the electric windows don't work but so what, it still drives like a Ferrari.
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The dealer/distributor have replaced my glitchy 333 with a new unglitched 333. The new 333 came with a nice hardback manual and a new crate design. It's had about 20 hours at the dealers so now needs some further playing time to loosen it up. Hopefully this is the end of this particular saga.
Selling my Pandora Preamplifier. All accessories, packaging and extras. I purchased new, upgrading to the Commander. PM me if interested...John
Selling my Pandora Preamplifier. All accessories, packaging and extras. I purchased new, upgrading to the Commander. PM me if interested...John
Such an interesting change considering you are coming from what was the top of the Gryphon line not that long ago. Any current insights would be greatly appreciated.
Such an interesting change considering you are coming from what was the top of the Gryphon line not that long ago. Any current insights would be greatly appreciated.
I sometimes question my insights! I'm not sure if I should be providing "sound" advice! LOL! The longer you play in this game, it just creates more obsessive behavior! I have since taken the Pandora off of the market, for now. It is SO undervalued on the used market. Because its been around so long people don't realize just how good it is. It belongs with the Mephisto. I suspect it would pair well with other amplification as well. They pair so well together, synergy is undeniable. A lot of texture, grip, and scale. I have always paired AMP/PRE from the same manufacturer. This next linestage I purchase is going to be my final. Not just linestage, all my next additions are going to be my final purchases. I have the Lampizator 360, (been doing break in on the 360 for several days now) Taiko Olympus, ( a ways off with delivery) and perhaps the Solution 727, if it blows me away. However, I'm veering from my amp/pre philosophy (for now) and I'm going to demo that Solution 727 in October. Its damn close to straight wire. As you can imagine the 727 is a different animal. This linestage provides a lot of musical information. I do know several with the 727 and non Solution amplification and they all love it! For this kind of $ they better love it! Will they complement each other? I don't know. Until you power the gear up, sit in the chair, and start to listen, pure speculation!
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