Now with psychology out of the way, let's talk some economics

- From a product stand point, has anyone been able to explain in non-technical , marketing language why this DAC is different/ better than FPGA dcs, top ladder dacs like TotalDAC, msb, top tube dacs like Lampizator and Jadis? Why don't you read their website and design and technology statements?
- From a price point, this DAC is $140K or something like that. Why is this DAC priced at $140K ? obviously it's irrational to price luxury price low as no one will take them seriously. Why not price at $175K if it's truly "transformational"? MSB , which has been recently loved by Yoda Valin (Soulution is best now?) and given product of the year is only $135K. ... And if a guy just bought MSB and has to sell it for roughly 50 percent off, what does he get extra for spending that $70K? The DAC is 145,000 and what does that have to do with anything other than
- I discussed the influence of Neil Grobbers / "audio journalists" before, but again, people look to authority figures in a state of confusion due to overwhelming choice ... dCS and MSB have had a huge reviewer blitz with their DAcs. Wilson guys live dcs. Magico guys love MSB for its musicality.... But most reviewers just follow the herd , which further helps entrench the more successful brands.... Neil Grobbers recently claimed that dcs bartok is better than vinyl.. nauseationg and disgusting....
- why is the US distributor so mediocre? it's the big, big lady from Canada , the one with the charming personality. Avantgarde recently tried to dump her... if this dacis so great, why isn't there a top notch distributor , like Philip O'Hanlon, dealing with this?
- And how many dealers carry this product? What else do they carry? What brand do they favor/ feature in their top systems? Doesn't seem like MSB and dCS dealers are touching this, understandably. But these are the brands that have benefited from bandwagon effects.
- How many rooms at shows will have this DAC? and will anyone be able to differentiate the sound of the dac from the overall system if they get to hear it at a show?
Luxury and entertainment industries are bound to bandwagon effects... The bandwagon effect is where popular brands become even more popular as people gain knowledge of them from their friends, experienced influencers, dealers, online boards, show reports , “audio journalists “, etc. What this means is that people’s tastes converge on select few brands rather than be dispersed across the assortment of available offerings. We see this with popular music and movies all the time, and here we see MSB, dCS, TotalDac, and Lampizator as passionately discussed by the fans and owners and getting the sales in this upper price bracket (social proof influence force acting on us). There may be many excellent products out there, including this one, but they just don't get the oxygen. And even less, thanks to the disgusting marketing of this product so far.
Sincere good luck to the dealers carrying it, as only guys with knowledge of the hobby will get to hear it.
I could go on and on...
Now with psychology out of the way, let's talk some economics

- From a product stand point, has anyone been able to explain in non-technical , marketing language why this DAC is different/ better than FPGA dcs, top ladder dacs like TotalDAC, msb, top tube dacs like Lampizator and Jadis?
- From a price point, this DAC is $140K or something like that. Why is this DAC priced at $140K ? obviously it's irrational to price luxury price low as no one will take them seriously. Why not price at $175K if it's truly "transformational"? MSB , which has been recently loved by Yoda Valin (Soulution is best now?) and given product of the year is only $135K. ... And if a guy just bought MSB and has to sell it for roughly 50 percent off, what does he get extra for spending that $70K?
- I discussed the influence of Neil Grobbers / "audio journalists" before, but again, people look to authority figures in a state of confusion due to overwhelming choice ... dCS and MSB have had a huge reviewer blitz with their DAcs. Wilson guys live dcs. Magico guys love MSB for its musicality.... But most reviewers just follow the herd , which further helps entrench the more successful brands.... Neil Grobbers recently claimed that dcs bartok is better than vinyl.. nauseationg and disgusting....
- why is the US distributor so mediocre? it's the big, big lady from Canada , the one with the charming personality. Avantgarde recently tried to dump her... if this dacis so great, why isn't there a top notch distributor , like Philip O'Hanlon, dealing with this?
- And how many dealers carry this product? What else do they carry? What brand do they favor/ feature in their top systems? Doesn't seem like MSB and dCS dealers are touching this, understandably. But these are the brands that have benefited from bandwagon effects.
- How many rooms at shows will have this DAC? and will anyone be able to differentiate the sound of the dac from the overall system if they get to hear it at a show?
Luxury and entertainment industries are bound to bandwagon effects... The bandwagon effect is where popular brands become even more popular as people gain knowledge of them from their friends, experienced influencers, dealers, online boards, show reports , “audio journalists “, etc. What this means is that people’s tastes converge on select few brands rather than be dispersed across the assortment of available offerings. We see this with popular music and movies all the time, and here we see MSB, dCS, TotalDac, and Lampizator as passionately discussed by the fans and owners and getting the sales in this upper price bracket (social proof influence force acting on us). There may be many excellent products out there, including this one, but they just don't get the oxygen. And even less, thanks to the disgusting marketing of this product so far.
Sincere good luck to the dealers carrying it, as only guys with knowledge of the hobby will get to hear it.
I could go on and on...
And you always do go and on and on...with your theories and assorted nonsense. First the DAC is 145,000 US dollars. Their is no distributor in the U.S. it is imported and sold directly by Wadax. Three reviewers wrote and tried to describe what they heard and experienced and you of course know better, you who have not even heard the item. The DAC that Valin wrote about is not the top of the line MSB - just the facts boys and he is not even a digital guy and hasn't heard any of the contenders. By the way you are now an expert on distributors as well?
What you don't know about the business of audio and distribution is everything. I believer there are now at least 5 dealers for the Wadax Reference line. What other dealers carry is not now nor ever has been a recognition of anything other than what they have and what they are able to buy and support. It is very hard today for new products to get representation based on dollars and space. Most dealers are not able to carry multiple very expensive competing items.. PERIOD it is the same reasoning that Mercedes and BMW for example are no longer sold in the same dealerships. Its bad business.
For you information I will be showing the DAC and Server at three major US shows this fall ( if they take place) RMAF, Axpona 2021 and CapFest. They will be shown with Göbel Divin Marquis speakers and cables, CH Electronics ( at RMAF) Kronos Discovery TT at Axpona and perhaps some other assorted items over the three different shows. I will reveal what I am using as we get closer to show time.
I stick to my thoughts about this DAC and its sound. The thing is Caesar I have it , listen to it and have heard many others, I don't make up the conspiracies that you do to discredit something that you know nothing about. I learned this industry from some of the best and AB stuff is not the only way to listen , its just what you expect and discredit anything that isn't done to appease your viewpoint.