Now we are talking. Active amplification? Room integration software?
Are WBF members with Alexandria 2.2 or XLF considering these speakers? Rockitman, Steve, Lloyd, others?
Perhaps a topic for another thread, and I realize that few have heard this speaker yet, but it seems that speakers are one area where things can still improve as designers understand more about materials, crossovers, driver technology, enclosures, etc. Perhaps vintage horn and Apogee lovers will disagree. Electronics, cables, sources are also improving, but perhaps not as fast or to the same degree. Thoughts?
Peter, restored apogees and such use many modern tech for restores, such as newer crossover components and ribbons and magnets (in fact, I don't like original apogees). TTs are modded as well. The good thing about such ventures is that they are more hobby driven rather than commercial, and hence provide high Sonics at lower price, though at the cost of service, distribution, and the fact that awareness and hence the resale value is restricted to only followers of such restores. Most of them will fail Ron's criteria for "real companies", I.e. Companies that have proven existence over a period.
On the other hand, just because I like these, I am not saying things haven't progressed. It is quite possible these sound good because they are expert mods rather than commercial stuff. A lot of products I have liked - Lampi, Schopper thorens, restored apogees, are DIY expert mods and not commercial stuff (Lampi has become bigger scale recently, so I hope he does not forget his roots)
Btw, I also like modern horns and speakers such as stenheim and the new YG Hailey, just not as much as a restored apogee or WE or some big horns, though definitely more practical and living room friendly