Ya I knew, I was just playing with ya
I'm sure this looks familiar - blacked out image just for you but you are already on the net
Being a recent owner of IRS V's I have my memories along with folder with any related pics with either Infinity or Genesis related speaker set-ups - always peaks my interest seeing set-ups and with what components have been chosen as Gary knows.
I'm sure Gary won't mind as it's all in all apart of Genesis speakers. I have never heard a pair set-up "wings" as close together as in your pic's with the woofer towers in behind - never mind with the gorgeous Kondo gear driving - would really enjoy hearing. My room was approx. 30 ft wide with 15 ft ceiling and approx. 47 ft long so I was able to get some pretty amazing sound but moved and lost that room. Tried setting up in a much smaller room similar to the width you have but did not have the ceiling height nor length you currently have, I was not satisfied over all - kept them for a while but eventually sold them
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