Omni Gon The Final Phonostage

---This is freekin' bad! :mad:

Syntax, he's a member here right? And I befriended him! [Last post: April 20th.]

Thomas, is he also a member here?


I am sicken & tired deep down in my head & stomach by people like that, and I know few others too, but from other sites, and I just don't know what to do to expose them! I can only do it by emails, and not in public forums. And absolutely not by PMs! Nothing is private.

Perhaps I should denounce the entire organizations where these few important individuals operate? They are part of the staff, moderation teams! They have their own 'click' and they bait others. Some of the underground stuff they do is absolutely revolting!

Anyway, I'd rather think at better things, and hang around better surroundings.

SYNTAX is thomas. yes. and yes he is a member of everything. he posts a lot, and often helpful, but it is part of the scam. Develop this reputation, and then cash it in on promoting Dertonarm or Daniels stuff. This is what suckered me. Both of them spent 4 nights at my house in Nov
and we had a fun time. i was completely taken in. and of course, i prepaid for 2 more items. syntax plays that he independent, but he is tied with an umbilical cord to mother, the mother who gives birth to gear he lusts for and has to have. he is truly addicted. The TT and the preamp (ominigon) he lusts for like a man for his mistress, and because she has what he wants, he will do ANYTHING, even mislead his wife...... Notice, he says he has done nothing illegal.. .... and my response is that cheating on your wife is not illegal but it is deceitful and means you cannot be trusted whenever you want SOMETHING REAL BAD. he says everyone lies in audio.
really.... I know people who do not lie. i do not lie. the whole hobby depends on people not lying. sure there are some......but we try to steer clear of them. steer clear of this german group. they have repeatedly used the internet to sucker people, and BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN EXPOSED, THEY CONTINUE to do so. the latest is this headshell. the next will be the TT whenever it is finished.

I promise you that you will find syntax or thomas....same....posting and setting us up, and then the kill as people mail him.
i am amazed at this entire thread on wbf. i did not know so many suckered like me. and it happened BECAUSE I TRUSTED SYNTAX. Daniel's in to me was Thomas. I was blind. I wish someone had warned me.
and thus i think it is our responsibility to warn others. read audiogon thread and this one and decide for yourself. ........
Now their tactic is to go silent...... the scam on ebay was in about 2008. then daniel changed his name , and resurfaced. he has changed his name again on more dertonarm..... but he will surface again....... if the seller is from Germany, and asks you to prepay with a wire, run.
if it is promoted by Thomas , run.
me too

i exchanged mails with thomas for a year. he was funny and very nice.... He was chumming the water. then i took the bait ......
then they came together to my house. i was charmed. i was looted. and not just me. audiogon and wbt say there is a group of fools
who bought thomas' story. of course, they may not try to sell you some of these big ticket items. but helping any of us helps build the reputation
for the big kills.

there are a few posts that belittle all this and say 'that not my experience'. you have taken the bait. that is exactly what they want.
you did not buy their 34000 preamp or 80-100k speaker or 150k turntable.....duh..... they still find all of us useful for the big kills.
Don't forget Rich's post #92. How many pre-ordered that book?
---Ok, thank you people, I like to know exactly who we are talkin' 'bout here.

1. Daniel is ...?... here at WBF. ...Good guy or bad guy?
2. Allan is ALF here at WBF. ...Good guy or bad guy?
3. Thomas is Syntax here at WBF. ...Good disguise, but bad guy underneath?
It is very sad to read of what some of the members here have had to experience.

FWIW I have had cordial email exchanges with Syntax on other forums for more than 5 plus years. In all this time he has been very helpful with his advice. I have always valued his advice as i felt that he put his money where his mouth is in trying a piece of kit in his own system prior to forming an opinion, unlike some who have heard it in a friend's system, at a show, read a review or has some dogmatic technical approach on whether a ribbon tweeter is better than a compression driver etc etc.

In all that time he has never pushed me to buy anything from anyone. I did buy my TT, arms, carts and phono based on his advice. Non of these were from D, Dietrich, Daniel, Dertonarm. I for one have never felt groomed by him as part of a scam which involves buying kit from D. I did buy a Syntax SUT for my FR carts based on what Thuchan, Syntax and Drjreynolds posted on AGon. I am not familiar with the Omnigon or Apolyt so cannot vouch for the technical merits. However Syntax is spot on (ymmv) when it comes to describing what a piece of kit does in his system and I through experience trust his call on these matters.

His association with D, I know nothing about so I am unable to comment on this apart from that I have seen photos on write ups on AGon of visits to CSL and Unoears homes, and that they live in close proximity to each other in Germany.

For completeness I must confess that I also know Unoear, having purchased a phonostage and Miyabi cart from him, and that overtime we have become close through emails, phonecalls etc and that it saddens me that he has had to endure this misfortune.

I hope things work out for all concerned and these issues can be resolved amicably.
---Me too I corresponded by PMs with Syntax in the past, and always a very nice gentleman.

And as a matter of fact he sent me one today, and something is comin' soon, that will shine some light on some of the members here regarding the truth of the matter. ...Exchanges, deals, ...

I am patiently waiting, and I'm not taking any chance; I will correspond eventually with him by email (secure email address). ...A pdf file is coming ...

Right now just hold your breath. ...And judge no one wrongly.


* I've been through some similar in the past, and I investigated one individual specifically who ripped-off some people (one for sure). Not from here, from somehere else, and I found the truth. I exposed him, and he got banned. But I always regretted that move.

Why? Because it was outside of the forum's rules; I mean it didn't have anything to do with the members of that site, but one member for sure from another site, and not an audio site. It is a little complicated, but at the end everyone was happy, except me.

I guess I have a big heart and I forgive people. ...But many people don't forgive others, and like it happened to me, my sense of humor or sometimes few people who totally misinterpret my true intentions. And I know few who cultivate their hatred so intensively that their misplaced vengeance is truly horrid. The Internet is not always smooth sailing, but all of you guys know that already. It is very easy sometimes to defend yourself the way you will do in real life, but on the Internet you can't; you have to love your enemies, kiss them.
The harder you try to promote peace, it seems that most of the time you get stronger wars!

I mean I'm a very good person, but some people destroyed years of my hard and good work just like that! Anyway, I try my very best to put it behind (tough, very tough to do so), and go forward.

And I certainly don't wish to others what happened to me!

And by the way, what's at stake here and there is much more than money!
$10,000, $20,000 are good chunks of money, but life, reputation, destruction, have no price tags. ...Do you know what I mean ...
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yes syntax sent me his pdf this am

---Me too I corresponded by PMs with Syntax in the past, and always a very nice gentleman.

And as a matter of fact he sent me one today, and something is comin' soon, that will shine some light on some of the members here regarding the truth of the matter. ...Exchanges, deals, ...

I am patiently waiting, and I'm not taking any chance; I will correspond eventually with him by email (secure email address). ...A pdf form is coming ...

Right now just hold your breath. ...And judge no one wrongly.


* I've been through some similar in the past, and I investigated one individual specifically who ripped-off some people (one for sure). Not from here, from somehere else, and I found the truth. I exposed him, and he got banned. But I always regretted that move.

Why? Because it was outside of the forum's rules; I mean it didn't have anything to do with the members of that site, but one member for sure from another site, and not an audio site. It is a little complicated, but at the end everyone was happy, except me.

I guess I have a big heart and I forgive people. ...But many people don't forgive others, and like it happened to me, my sense of humor or sometimes few people who totally misinterpret my true intentions. And I know few who cultivate their hatred so intensively that their misplaced vengeance is truly horrid. The Internet is not always smooth sailing, but all of you guys know that already. It is very easy sometimes to defend yourself the way you will do in real life, but on the Internet you can't; you have to love your enemies, kiss them.
The harder you try to make peace, most of the time you got stronger wars!

I mean I'm a very good person, but some people destroyed years of my hard and good work just like that! Anyway, I try my very best to put it behind (tough, very tough to do so), and go forward.

And I certainly don't wish to others what happened to me!

And by the way, what's at stake here and there is much more than money!
$10,000, $20,000 are good chunks of money, but life, reputation, destruction, have no price tags. ...Do you know what I mean ...
Syntax sent it to me....unfortunately it has errors and worse, omissions. it is not just me. this is a fact: it is always the same 3 germans posting together. It is a small group 'working' people.

see my specific questions to him. He refuses to answer specifics. the questions are fair. all he has to do is answer those questions.
but instead he WANTS to send a private pdf to people ..... what is missing from the pdf is that in the time he was in my home with Daniel, not one warning.
It was after i lost money that he wrote me and on a phone call told me that he waiting 2 years for his tt from daniel. etc. why did he not warn a lot of us..... ? because he benefits.
all i can say is look at the posts. every time Syntax starts the puff of a product. everytime . 2 + 2 =
and forgive? we talking north of 40,000 here. part of being forgiven is making restitution and admission of what done. there is none of that here.

If thomas sending pdf and not answering public questions, what does that say about him? He wants to go off line so he cannot be challenged by others, and not just me. Let him answer the fair questions.
Dertonarm and Axinia Schaefer regarding Rich's post #92

Don't forget Rich's post #92. How many pre-ordered that book?

Greetings, Myles, Myles, and Myles;

Okay, this link may have the answer to the question that you asking:

It appears that these Bavarians, Dertonarm and Axinia Schaefer have been up to this behavior for a long time. At the time it appears that Dertonarm might have been using the name "Kasugi" on eBay.

Please read...


---Me too I corresponded by PMs with Syntax in the past, and always a very nice gentleman.

And as a matter of fact he sent me one today, and something is comin' soon, that will shine some light on some of the members here regarding the truth of the matter. ...Exchanges, deals, ...

I am patiently waiting, and I'm not taking any chance; I will correspond eventually with him by email (secure email address). ...A pdf file is coming ...

Right now just hold your breath. ...And judge no one wrongly.


* I've been through some similar in the past, and I investigated one individual specifically who ripped-off some people (one for sure). Not from here, from somehere else, and I found the truth. I exposed him, and he got banned. But I always regretted that move.

Why? Because it was outside of the forum's rules; I mean it didn't have anything to do with the members of that site, but one member for sure from another site, and not an audio site. It is a little complicated, but at the end everyone was happy, except me.

I guess I have a big heart and I forgive people. ...But many people don't forgive others, and like it happened to me, my sense of humor or sometimes few people who totally misinterpret my true intentions. And I know few who cultivate their hatred so intensively that their misplaced vengeance is truly horrid. The Internet is not always smooth sailing, but all of you guys know that already. It is very easy sometimes to defend yourself the way you will do in real life, but on the Internet you can't; you have to love your enemies, kiss them.
The harder you try to make peace, most of the time you got stronger wars!

I mean I'm a very good person, but some people destroyed years of my hard and good work just like that! Anyway, I try my very best to put it behind (tough, very tough to do so), and go forward.

And I certainly don't wish to others what happened to me!

And by the way, what's at stake here and there is much more than money!
$10,000, $20,000 are good chunks of money, but life, reputation, destruction, have no price tags. ...Do you know what I mean ...

Is it just me? This letter gives me a headache to read. Why does he have to channel thru Bob?
Greetings, Myles, Myles, and Myles;

Okay, this link may have the answer to the question that you asking:

It appears that these Bavarians, Dertonarm and Axinia Schaefer have been up to this behavior for a long time. At the time it appears that Dertonarm might have been using the name "Kasugi" on eBay.

Please read...



Interesting and I must admit very disturbing.

Maybe he was going to write the books when in jail?
--- First I want to say that WBF is my favorite site right now, and I take all the members and discussions that happened here straight to my heart. ...Meaning I luv it here.

I didn't ask to be involved here in this particular thread, with some specific deals regarding some members.
But I'm here now, and I already posted few here. The main subject of this thread was my primary interest.

Now, this morning I replied to Syntax's PM and suggested to him that he made his pdf file "kind of public" (through my PM box actually). ...I even clear my PM box for that specific intention (my PM box is always full). He did not reply to my PM.


Now, in the past, roughly eight or nine months ago (perhaps more perhaps less), I saw some disenchantment between Syntax and at least another WBF member. ...In an open thread, but I did not intervene (was not my business anyway). And besides, all members here are quite mature people and intelligent enough to resolve their 'disenchantments' when they surface.

I am only human, with a heart too, and like I said at the beginning of this post; WBF is important to me, as well all the members who participate in the various discussions of our forums.
The crew (staff), founders, and various experts, plus very knowledgeable members of professional and non-professional avenues, all contribute to make this site what I truly consider to be the best around.
Not perfect, but good enough to still be the best.

Ok, no reply from Syntax (he wants my email address for that pdf file), and that's fine by me.
Why? Because I already proposed to him to send it to me via my PM box.

Now, I'm a smart guy, and I ain't shy of saying so (so excuse me to some people);
I decided to simply wash my hands on this specific subject. I won't participate in any investigation of any sort regarding this matter.
I went as far as I think I should already. And from my past experiences, I know it is the best thing to do.
What happened in Vegas ....

I truly wish that all the people here concerned by this matter will find the way.

My only and main concern at this point in time is to have a good relationship with all the members here at WBF.

I am a sucker for the truth, but deep down that truth is invisible and wants to remain invisible for the majority of our societies, I believe. ...Because it always get distorted to some extent, and it just ain't the truth no more. ...But people's own truth based on their convictions, beliefs, religions, sciences, and all that jazz of knowledge invented by man.
I could go quite far on this, because all my life is very big on human's history. ...But I won't.
Is it just me? This letter gives me a headache to read. Why does he have to channel thru Bob?

-----I believe because we have a solid bond through our past exchanges from open posts and PMs as well. ...True respect and acting accordingly for each other.

But my final thought is in the last post from the prior page.


* The headache is probably from my own style of expression, and my human side.
Don't worry about it; you don't have to think, you don't even have to read.
...Less to comment.
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1. good relationships depend on integrity. Deceit will break any relationship.
2. this is not about getting a refund or anything like that. They have a long history of never making amends.
3. This is about people, who have been taken, simply telling their experience and the buyer beware.
4. and the reason is syntax new audiogon post pushing Dertonarm stuff. Syntax wants to play as if he independent and not involved.
Then why is he always the lead and pushing Dertonarm? Then why is he posting such again? Is it just coincidence that he lusts for Dertonarm TT
and needs him, and for maintenance? really. these are the questions people need to wake up to and he needs to answer.

I have said that his pdf has lots of omissions. it is what he does not say + a few deceits in it as well.
the simple thing is ....thomas, answer the questions factually. we have what is called avoidance.

now, ps dont tell those of us taken, please dont tell us to cool it. i have not posted anything about this for a long time.....AND THEN FRIENDS ALERTED ME TO THE NEW AUDIOGON THREAD. AND GUESS what. Syntax starts a new thread pushing another daniel product! That is when
i started writing things up till now i have sat on. if you read that thread, you will see that i have indeed held back. but now, with another
German trio promotion coming, i have to say are doing it again.....and who is out in front? syntax. come on....

if this had not have happened, i would not be posting. but they are at it again.....and you think we should just say nothing? really. if the thread upsets you, exercise your right not to read it.
best wishes,
---I said it before; "I'm a sucker for the truth", meaning that I appreciate you revealing what you know.

Me I know that Syntax's last post here at WBF was back in April.

My last exchange with him (Syntax) was this morning, and I talked about it in one of my prior posts.
There is simply nothing that I can do personally, but listen to what others like you have to say.
And if Syntax is truly not a good person, in participating in the kind of activities you describe;
it'll come back to bite him eventually.

But this ain't my domain, because I just know NOTHING.
And it seems to be a matter of the LAW.

In the Internet the truth is 'ephemere', and tangible at the very same time.
If Syntax is guilty, let his karma strikes where it counts the most....

Please, proceed. ...I am listening to YOU now.
law is one thing; the other is the internet allow people to prey on others

Syntax has written that "i did nothing illegal" and "everyone in audio lies"
those are direct quotes.

just think about it. my reply to him was that to cheat on your wife is not illegal, but it is deceitful and lacks integrity.
He does not get that. And "everyone lies". Oh my gosh. 1st , that is not true is it? 2nd, how can you trust a person
who says EVERYONE LIES...... connect the dots. that is such a Freudian slip. It explains a lot. oh my gosh

his pdf avoids all this. it is distraction strategy. Everyone lies. my gosh, i sure would not trust a person who has that
mentality. How can you trust whatever that person says? It is like a kid that says, 'Dad everyone does it" meaning
there is nothing wrong with me doing it since eveyone is doing it.

oh my gosh. 2 +2 =
---First, let me tell ya this; Syntax hasn't posted here since last April.
In my book (the burgundy bible of the invisible gods) it means he has no more interest here.

And if he has no more interest here he's probably happier somewhere else.
And that somewhere else I just ain't there, but I'm pissed to know that some people are getting ripped-off!

* I just wish that he'll come back here, publicly, and spell his beans, meaning explain himself in true honesty.
Because at least one person is going to listen without judging first; ME!

And when I know for sure that his actions are detrimental for our society, watch out!


But please do know this too; there are so many crooks and bandits surrounding us that it is very disturbing to the peace's core. ...In the deep emotional heart of Man.
...One person at a time; there are billions more to come and go....

Please do proceed, I am still listening.
the reason is

audiogon, eveyone knows, is where you sell. wbf is not. so go look at all his posts there.
and you are missing the obvious......he has started this post on the Dertonarm SRA headshelll on audiogon. not here of course. so of course
he not posted here....because the fishing is at audiogon! Geez.....

the questions i have asked remain unanswered. you got to ask yourself why?

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