I am attaching the following photo for future reference for other JWM 10.5i owners, of how I calculated SRA - more precisely, side 'a', which represents the distance the arm has to be raised for a resulting 2 degree SRA (same as angle 'A' but rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise) - based on the effective length calculated earlier ('c'), and starting from a dead vertical of the stylus as best verified by the eye using a loupe...
View attachment 1960
I have the cartridge tracking at slightly over 2g, just barely within the recommended range, after initially setting it to 2.3g with 0 degrees SRA. I have experimented with adding an extra 0.264 weight on the headshell after setting SRA just for the heck of it, but there is no discernible difference in sound as stated by others, especially in the bass; it does track better with the Telarc 1812 LP but who cares. I'd rather go easy on the VTF and extend my records' life.
Great results.
Nice; plz post some pictures when you get a chance. Although it's been replaced apparently by the 3011, it should still work well for this application.
Found this interesting discussion by Jon Risch on SRA on my computer.
This is not what I saw with the loupe - the rear side of the stylus was dead vertical to the record surface when the arm was parallel to it and a VTF of 2.3g - if that's what they call "correct SRA" then that was not +2 degrees. So I need the microscope to see closer, measure, verify and/or adjust to the true vertical, then raise the arm by 9.67mmOrtofon cartridge are designed to have correct VTA and SRA when used with correct (i.e. recommended) VTF in a tonearm parallel to the record surface.
The range of VTF that is indicated in the data-sheet gives you the limits for adjustment.
I would be interested in your impressions of how the sound changes as you move from SRA 90 degrees to 92 degrees. Playing devil's advocate...what will you do if after achieving perfect SRA of 92 degrees, it doesn't sound as good?
Well I got a hold of a Dino-Lite 413 and tried to get the SRA dialed in. Wasn't easy getting a good shot of the stylus to if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Here's a shot of what I think is a dialed in SRA but please let me know if I'm wrong.... Thanks in advance.
I'll let you know when I get mine later this weekDid you use the ringstand/clamp to shoot? What was the problem in getting the shot? Focussing on the stylus/cantilver?
Hi Myles....
I did purchase the stand but my biggest struggle was to get the microscope close enough to give me a large enough shot of the stylus. There's a clear plastic piece that prevents you to get any closer than what you see in my picture. I can zoom in digitally but then the picture starts to degrade. This particular shot was done with the A90 in the lead in groove and the microscope right up against the body....... Had to play with different lighting angles just to get this shot...... 5 hours later!