Peter seems to have pretty good ears and he's heard a lot of stuff, so I don't doubt that the execution is first rate, but is there anything new here other than the glass and the extraordinary price for what is a slightly unconventional satellite/sub system? Dipoles, bipoles, side-firing, rear-firing, top-firing...or just front-firing drivers with exceptionally good off-axis has all been done and when it is done very well, disappearing speakers and an enveloping sound stage has always been the result, often at much, much less. I can't help but think of Linkwitz Orions. For this kind of money, you could have them built, delivered, set up, with amps included, take the family to Europe for the summer and still have money in the bank to cover your kids' college next year. And they are absolutely remarkable at disappearing and enveloping.
Again, I don't doubt these are very well done, and appreciate the chance these might have of convincing audiophiles that SOTA can be achieved with sats and subs, that a stack of drivers taller than a commercial freezer is not the cost of admission. But really, shouldn't we look askance at $90k, or even a lot less than that? Isn't this, maybe, just a bit ridiculous?