To those jumping up and down, expressing their righteous indignation at Deen's unfair treatment by the left-leaning press, I'd remind them of how faithfully the press, even NPR and MSNBC, reported the IRS' targeting of conservative groups and the right's attempts to connect that to the administration for weeks, somehow missing, until just a few days ago, that the IRS was also targeting groups with the word "Progressive" in their names. I'd remind them of the Swiftboat scandal. Id remind them of many, many stories in the last couple of decades that attacked both sides of the aisle...
The fact that the press 'faithfully' promulgated the Democrats' unsubstantiated meme that the IRS targeted progressive groups in the same way as conservative groups would seem to antithetical to the point you were trying to make. Indeed, the Treasury IG refuted the Dems charge last week.... I would also note that the two top IRS officials to testify under oath about the scandal have chosen to invoke their 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination; a right taxpayers waive whent they sign their tax returns. Contrast the major media's near apoplexy at last week's Voting Right Act's decision in which 6 of the 7 states under Federal watch have higher voting rates for non-whites than whites (and the state with the greatest disparity is that hotbed of right-wing extremism...Massachusetts) while actual attempts at direct suppression of free speech (and indirectly voter suppression) by a branch of the Federal bureacracy is largely ignored. Just imagine the righteous indignation and coverage that the NY Times and MSNBC's would generate if something similar had happened under the prior administration and Progressive groups had been targeted in similar fashion....
Tim, I love your passion but to think that the major media outlets are anything but sympathetic to Progressives and the Democratic party is to refute every poll taken on the subject over the past 50 years. Reminds me of the quote famously attributed to NY Times movie critic Pauline Kael after the 1972 election not comprehending how Nixon won in a landslide "when everyone I know voted for McGovern".