Apparently you didn't actually comprehend my post, or didn't read it, lol.
My post is about using XLR
IN COMBINATION WITH ground wires specifically.
DIN plugs have a pin for ground wires, that's how it's different. If the tt doesn't have DIN it often still uses ground wires, but not all the time.
Also, you totally mistook the pin1 standard for the non-existent grounding standard between signal and chassis ground, and in this instance isolation between the pin1 connection and a separate ground connection for the ground wire. Please take the time to read, and comprehend what you're reading before you answer a post! If you don't you should ask for clarification and not assume things.
The issue is the ground wire AND Pin1 are 2 separate ground connections... and you don't see an issue here? Lol, sorry I know you are a balanced advocate, while I think it's ridiculous to use balanced for home audio, but what you wrote is simply a strawman, it is unrelated to what I actually wrote, your entire post is an answer to the strawman you just created.