A sunny Saturday afternoon with wonderful music, after a crazy time when many things went wrong, is absolutely a treat for myself.
I listen to various types of music including classical and neoclassical, but really selective in what I like. I hope you like this piece too, especially the intro as it’s too good.
For a couple of months living with my current system, it’s just a wonderful journey to re explore my CD collection.
Interestingly, everything comes really natural as the way they should be. I don’t need to try locate the artists as the soundstage is just spotted on and their positions are pinpointed correctly.
For most songs and pieces, I can feel the real weight and presence of the artists and their instruments.
In terms of bass, I see the Pilium having the same power and slam like the Karan. But I feel like a piece of rubber is attached to the end of the Pilium hammer to make it a bit more rounded, “kick”, and less “metal” compared to the Karan if that makes sense to you.
The system retains the sweetness very well compared to the Karan/Koda combo and refines a little bit more.
Tbh, the Karan/Koda combo is incredible value for money and extremely hard to beat. But I felt that I needed something very ultimate in terms of amps so the itches pushed me to the Pilium universe, so it’s a bold move after coming back from Munich and only listened to the Achiles/Alexander combo driving Magico A5.
I’m really curious to see how the Atlas/Olympus compared to Gryphon Apex combo, should be incredible.