Post your female vocal videos

Firring for this weekend NO?
Love these ladies.

hi what’s the matter. there are many messages on this thread that it is meant for systems playing vocals, and not just videos of females singing
hi what’s the matter. there are many messages on this thread that it is meant for systems playing vocals, and not just videos of females singing
Sorry, so what's the matter with you? So did you jump the other folks. All sounds like crap through computer or ipad speakers anyway. So that makes this thread even worse. Cheers.
hi what’s the matter. there are many messages on this thread that it is meant for systems playing vocals, and not just videos of females singing
Nothing! this is what it says PERIOD.
Go away.

Post your female vocal videos​

Sorry, so what's the matter with you? So did you jump the other folks. All sounds like crap through computer or ipad speakers anyway. So that makes this thread even worse. Cheers.

hi what’s the matter. there are many messages on this thread that it is meant for systems playing vocals, and not just videos of females singing
Nope not what it says.

Post your female vocal videos​

For Bonzo, you struck a nerve!
don't be an a%%...this thread is for systems playing vocals, feel free to start a thread on female vocals
Here is one video from my system

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This is one of the more striking contrasts from such system video comparisons. Of particular note are the differences in the bass quality and the sound of her voice. Very revealing comparison and an indication of different preferences and priorities.

It sure is Peter. The $199 Lii Audio Fast 8 full range drivers installed on the small open baffles are obviously limited in bass extension. Combined with the narrow baffle these speakers roll off around 50 Hertz. That bass response is totally expected. What I find even more telling is the lack of high frequency extension and high frequency resolution with David‘s (DDK) and Tang’s speaker system. Just like your very own system it has no high frequency extension or treble resolution. As one gets older your high frequency hearing is diminished and you may not notice how curtailed DDK’s & Tang’s and your own system at home sound on these system videos. I know that others have made you clearly aware of this in the past and it is now obvious that the truncated and dull treble is part of the DDK‘s magic recipe. I know that most of David’s customers are older gentlemen but Tang appears to be younger and probably appreciates the lack of performance when it comes to high frequency extension And resolution.

Something tells me that you thought that was my big OKTAN6 horn reference system on the video, sorry to disappoint you. Please don’t let Tang know that those are $199.00 per pair speaker drivers on my video, and I paid less than that for them.

I will let others judge for themselves and decide which system video sounds better, between the mud and the articulate.
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