Problem caused by magnetic chassis of Lampizator Atlantic TRP?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2021
Hi all,

This post is primarily about my Lampizator Atlantic TRP DAC and questions about its chassis construction, although peripherally about a new AC tweak called the Plasmatron 3, which I recently purchased on closeout from VH Audio. The Plasmatron (which functions in the system in an analogous way to a line conditioner) does something proprietary to the sine wave of the AC (among other proprietary things) that is supposed to enhance the sound of digital components connected to it. A Plasmatron thread appeared on this forum several years ago, but I'm not posting because of questions specifically about this product. As it happens, before trying to use it on my stereo system, it made a wonderful improvement to my headphone setup (Naim Uniti headphone edition). I want that same effect on my main stereo system.

When I tried plugging in my Lampizator DAC to the Plasmatron, I immediately heard an unfamiliar mechanical hum/buzz coming from the DAC directly and not going through the speakers. Plugged into the wall, no such problem. The hum/buzz was too loud to consider tolerating as part of my setup and I plugged the Lampizator back into the wall. The Plasmatron is not having any appreciable effect on my system without the DAC connected to it.

Why the buzz? According to Chris at VH Audio (who talked to the Plasmatron's designer), he told me:

"Please ask the customer to test whether the chassis of the DAC is magnetic. The Plasmatron alters the sine wave of AC mains and certain transformers and magnetic chassis of audio equipment may convert the altered sine wave into vibration. In fact, according to my personal experience, magnetic chassis per se (with or without Plasmatron) affects the "purity" of high frequency due to the presence of high inductance around audio circuits. And if the transformer is housed in the same chassis of audio signal pathways, magnetic chassis conducts magnetic noise generated by transformers around audio circuits..."

Well, I did test the magnetism of the Lampizator chassis, and the underside (which all the inner workings are attached to) is actually magnetic. Why would Lampizator use a magnetic chassis bottom? I can't know for sure without taking the DAC apart if the magnetism of the chassis is truly the culprit, though, and I haven't done this yet. Are all Lampizator DAC chassis made from magnetic material on the bottom? Any thoughts?
I don't know about this problem, but I'm having problems with a BIG 7 lamp, and I live in Brazil where there is no factory authorized, and I've already tried contacting the La,pizator factory by three emails and facebook, no response, just silence, I don't trust a brand that doesn't take care of your customers.
I don't know about this problem, but I'm having problems with a BIG 7 lamp, and I live in Brazil where there is no factory authorized, and I've already tried contacting the La,pizator factory by three emails and facebook, no response, just silence, I don't trust a brand that doesn't take care of your customers.
Are you a spammer in each single thread/post about Lampizator with copy/paste of the same text?
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No, I am not a spammer, just look for posts about problem with feed back from Lampizato, and sended the same mensage, if you desire I can show the emails, the Lampizator photos... today a sended the last one to the factory --> After three attempts to communicate via emails and one via facebook, only silence on the part of Lampizator factory, There's something I've learned over the years, honorability, justice, and I'll do something...

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