Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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I have a Sablon King, and I went for the Spectral upgrade. But if I didn't already have a king I would have gone for the Ultimate. This sentence is instructive:

"Finally, one thing worth noting is that QSA believe their treatment works best on both relatively impure materials and also large conductor areas. My Sablon cords only tick the latter box, as both the Bocchino plugs and wire are made from high purity copper."

If you really want the best of the best from QSA, then that's the Ultimate line (which is both priced and positioned as the best).
For clarification, I do not have a Sablon King PC. I am trying to decide which PC to consider at the same price. ---Ultimate Revelation or Spectral Infinity Prince.
Jett ---I assume your answer would be the same.

I would love to hear from Anas on this question.
The 3 Series are created to allow experiencing the QSA Lanedri cables impact for the different budgets but the gap of impacts among the Series is huge making it no contest for comparison.
The 3 Series are created to allow experiencing the QSA Lanedri cables impact for the different budgets but the gap of impacts among the Series is huge making it no contest for comparison.

So are you saying that the Spectra Prince Infinity is no contest for the Ultimatum Revelation?

romaz, You suggested the Spectra Prince had a bit of warmth. What about the Ultimatum?
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So are you saying that the Spectra Prince Infinity is no contest for the Ultimatum Revelation?

romaz, You suggested the Spectra Prince had a bit of warmth. What about the Ultimatum?
Yes the Ultimatum Revelation will have much more impact than the Prince Infinity but the Ultimatum Infinity impact is just huge to ignore compared to the Ultimatum Revelation.

More will be shared on the specs of Ultimatum Series Power cable once we complete the final round of R&D.
Yes the Ultimatum Revelation will have much more impact than the Prince Infinity but the Ultimatum Infinity impact is just huge to ignore compared to the Ultimatum Revelation.

More will be shared on the specs of Ultimatum Series Power cable once we complete the final round of R&D.

I have no doubt, but $12K is not $6K :)
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Is there anyone who had 2nd batch delivered from Anas early March to pass 300 hours burning to share experience?
The recent arrival of a Gamma Infinity C19 for use in my music system meant that I could move the Gamma Revelation C19 down to my video system. It replaced a Shunyata Delta v1 in use between the wall outlet and a Shunyata Hydra AV power conditioner that powers everything in this system. The Delta v1 was given a nice boost by plugging it into a QSA Violet power jitter that was, in turn, plugged into the wall. That power jitter was moved up to the outlet feeding my bedroom TV (48” LG OLED A2), where it brought a nice improvement in color saturation.

At this point I am only going to comment on the improvements to audio that I’m hearing from the Revelation power cord because they are what’s been most blowing my mind.

In my video system, a Marantz SR6015 receiver is configured for 5.2.4 and driving ELAC speakers and subs. The front and surround speakers are all the same floor standing models from the original Uni-Fi series. I got these for half of retail as they were closing them out due to the arrival of the second generation models. These offer a heck of a bang for the buck - especially in terms of the reproduction of natural tone. Astonishing that such an affordable speaker could do so well in this area.

Even more astonishing is how much more is coming forth from them thanks to a single QSA Lanedri Gamma Revelation power cord. I must admit though that it took the uncompressed audio stream from a 4K optical disc for the improvements to really blow my mind. Specifically it was the first John Wick movie.

The magnitude of the improvement is what I would say would be on par from a component-level upgrade. But I honestly can’t think of another thing I could have applied the same amount of dollars to that could have improved things this much. Clarity, purity, naturalness and dimensionality have all improved to a considerable degree. It was actually distracting at first to hear so much goodness emerging from these speakers. The soundtrack was made more impactful, which is a big deal with this movie in particular. My subs also seem to be digging deeper and packing more of a punch, which was a pleasant surprise.

For those with more affordable systems who might be looking for an upgrade that can deliver a significant bang for the buck, I can without hesitation recommend use of a Revelation power cord used between the wall and the power distributor that feeds all components - especially if you can grab one for the currently discounted price.

I just threw in John Wick 2 and now it’s the video that’s blowing my mind. What I noticed with the Violet power jitters is that they made already vibrant images even more vibrant. Vibrancy abounds in the opening minutes of John Wick 2. My gosh I’ve never seen images like this from my 77“ OLED. It’s movie time now so I will share more details another time.
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TL;DR - @kennyb123's experience and mine have been similar. QSA LANEDRI cables have brought readily-apparent improvements to perceived resolution, naturalness, and dimensionality across the board.

I am probably an oddity around these parts in that I have two complete audio systems smashed into one double-wide Salamander rack and a few extra pieces on the side.

General System Rundown

Like Ken, I have a Marantz receiver (SR8015) as the core of my home theater. Its internal multi-channel amplifier drives Atmos height channels, a B&W Nautilus HTM-1 center channel, Left and Right Surround channels, and sends line-level subwoofer data to a pair of SVS PC-4000 subwoofers and the main Left and Right signals to a McIntosh C47 stereo pre-amplifier in PASSTHRU mode for TV and Movies. (Whenever the Marantz is "on" it sends a 12v trigger to the McIntosh to put it into PASSTHRU mode on a certain input. When the 12v trigger is removed, the McIntosh reverts to its previous state and, if it was on, previous input and volume level). The TV is a recently acquired LG C2 OLED).

The McIntosh C47 is also used for 2ch listening (when the Marantz is turned off). Amplifiers are Hypex Nilai 500 diy monoblocks (currently fed by Delta v2 NR power cords). Left and Right channels for movies and music are the same pair of B&W Nautilus 803s. Speaker wires and analog signal wires are Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 (RCA from Marantz to McIntosh, XLR from McIntosh to amplifiers).

My DAC, the Gustard x26 Pro, similarly uses Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 XLR cables to send its analog output to the McIntosh C47. USB input is provided by a Phasure Lush^2 (I regard this cable as the single weakest link in my overall chain). Bits are fed by a DIY Extreme server that I built, which acquires said bits from internal storage (for PGGB'd music) or via the Internet.

My power foundation is a pair of Shunyata Purple Duplexes wired directly to the patch panel with 10/3 Romex. The neutral is shared, but the hot legs are run through separate 20A breakers. This used to make more sense but is largely moot as I only use one duplex to feed my Denali 6000/s v2 (top socket) and a Hydra Typhon with its Alpha HC umbilical plugged into the lower socket.

A Venom V16 power distributor provides extra outlets for Synergistic Research Tranquility Pods (one under each amplifier and one under the pre-amp; their grounding wires are daisy-chained together and then into the lower-right Purple Duplex outlet), a pair of SVS Subwoofers, the TV, the Apple TV 4K, the 4K Blu-ray player, a Mutec Ref10 SE120 (for the DAC), etc.

Before QSA LANEDRI (QL) Cables:

The Denali 6000/s v2
was fed by a Sigma XC v2 and provided power to:
- Two Hypex Nilai 500 amplifiers, each powered by a Delta v2 NR
- The McIntosh C47 pre was powered by a Sigma NR v1
- The Gustard X26 Pro DAC was powered by an Alpha NR v1
- The Venom V16 power distributor via a Delta v2 XC (see the stuff it powers above)

The DIY Taiko Extreme (which I call 'Taika') was connected to a Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF with a Wireworld Platinum Starlight Cat-8 Ethernet cable (and it was powered by the included Synergistic Foundation power cable). Upstream from that was a generic, braided Category 7 cable into a Sonore opticalModule (powered by an Uptone LPS-1) which in turn uses some cheap single-mode fiber with Finisar modules on either end to a cheap 10GTek SFP+Copper gigabit switch.

The Marantz was powered by a Nordost Blue Heaven.

Everything music-related that took a fuse had a Synergistic Purple fuse in it (amps, pre-amp, DAC, Switch) with the exception of the Mutec clock. (It oddly takes two fuses on the power inlet and I haven't bothered to experiment with them yet).

After QSA LANEDRI Cables (my first order arrived on March 15):

- The Denali 6000/s v2
is fed by a QL Gamma Infinity:
Gamma Infinity C19.jpg

- The McIntosh C47 is fed by a QL Gamma Revelation:
Gamma Revelation Power.jpg

- The DIY Extreme music server is connected to the SR UEF Switch with 6m of QL Gamma Infinity LAN cable:
Gamma Infinity LAN.jpg

Gamma Infinity LAN close up.jpg
(QL Infinity LAN close up, gold logo shown)

This influx of awesome cables enabled me to:
- move the Sigma v1 NR to the DAC (upgrade)
- move the Alpha NR to the Marantz (BIG upgrade)
- move the Wireworld Platinum Starlight Ethernet upstream (in between the opticalModule and the Synergistic Ethernet Switch UEF)
- move the Blue Heaven and the Sigma XC v2 to the 'for sale' box (hopefully to fund more QL cables... ) and set the generic Cat 7 cable aside.

denali rear view.jpg
(Left to right: Gamma Infinity, Sigma NR v1, Alpha NR v1, Delta v2 NR (x2), Gamma Revelation, Delta v2 XC)

SR Ethernet Switch UEF.jpg
(Ethernet Switch UEF on a Mutec on a Typhon).

Sonic Impressions

With just the Infinity Power and the LAN cable in play, with almost no burn-in time, I wrote to some friends,

"There have already been some brief OMGWTFBBQ?! moments, but there are also some times when crazy awesome takes a backseat to just plain crazy.

"The closest comparison I can draw would be if Carlos Kleiber was deep into a movement and was suddenly struck with an overwhelming need to use the restroom. Hurriedly, he calls over his freshman understudy — full of promise but woefully inexperienced — and hands them the baton… I know these cables are literally fresh off the boat and by all accounts much settling in is called for. More as things evolve."

Once I had time to upgrade the Pre-amplifier with the Gamma Revelation power cable (bumping lesser cables 'downstream' to the DAC and the Marantz, displacing their even-lesser cables...), I found the system vacillating between enticing and utterly unlistenable as the system adjusted to all of the power foundation changes.

A few days later, I wrote this:

"...I should never have put a single one of these stupidly good cables into my system...
(?°?°??? ???"

And then a few days after that:

"Gobsmacked" might be the right word.

On March 20th, afew days after the QL cables' arrival (on the 15th), I took receipt of a Synergistic Master Fuse. I used it to upgrade the Purple fuse in the McIntosh C47. Ted Denney suggests that one of these fuses is good enough for most systems, and suggests it be used to upgrade either the Pre or the DAC. Since my Pre-amplifier is used in both Theater mode and in Music listening mode, it seemed the wiser choice. (I should give a shoutout to Alfred Kainz of highend-electronics here -- he's my Synergistic dealer of choice and he's always taken excellent care of me).

master fuse.jpeg

After a few more days of running music (or movies and tv) through the system 24/7, I wrote this:

"The Master Fuse continues to settle in along with the rest and all I can say is that it has brought more refinement and clarity in just about every dimension. I can't set it all at the feet of the MF, of course, but before I put it in things were big and bold and kind of unchained, almost chaotic at times. The MF immediately brought everything back into focus at a cost of reduced size (initially), almost like the system inhaled. Since then, it's relaxed or exhaled a bit and what I'm getting is just additional layers of detail and depth."

In Conclusion

If I could characterize the changes that these 3 QL cables (and, to be fair, cable shuffling and the Master Fuse upgrade) have brought to my systems (plural), I would say:

- imaging expanded considerably in all directions, though primarily in depth.
- a significant increase in apparent resolving power. more depth and naunce to textures and mental images I'm very familiar with.
- more weight and authority in the lower registers, but naturally
- more punch, slam, and explosiveness all around - macro and micro dynamics got a shot in the arm
- movie sound scores and instrumentalization has me marveling at just how organic things seem
- an overall sense of 'rightness' emerged

And that last point (a sense of rightness) is the thing that impressed me most. I expect (even require) some mix of these from any cable upgrade -- perhaps every cable upgrade -- especially power cables. Time and time again I kept coming back to how right my system was beginning to sound.

As for the movies, I was surprised by how much improvement there has been overall in the sonic tapestry, but chiefly from how quiet and at-ease it is. From late-night low-volume TV viewing to full-scale theatrical-level blow-your-doors-off cinema, the apparent ease and believability with which my theater has been operating is just marvelous.

As things have continued to settle (I crested the 230 hour mark today on the QL cables, and 125 hours or so on the Master Fuse), I don't think I've ever heard either of my systems sounding more natural and more seamlessly integrated. The sound field is inviting, enveloping, and easy to listen to (or watch) for hours without listener fatigue.

As for the C2 OLED, I can't speak much to how it has evolved. I had barely acquired a week before the QSA cables arrived, so my brain is still getting used to what kind of images it was capable of throwing -- and I am still learning how to properly set it up (along with how to dial in its sources as well).

At this point I'm looking forward to what further improvements the next crop of QL cables will empower. I'm still deciding what those will be.

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@jeremya Thanks for the timely post. For a run from a Furutech GTX-D gold outlet to a PS Audio P15 Regenerator, out of which my whole system comes, I'd been wondering if the Gamma Infinity would be substantial enough to handle it. I have a WyWires Diamond power cord there now. I'm not sure what the Diamond's gauge is, but the Infinity looks a little larger (Diamond's outer diameter = ~15/16"). Has that been a problem for you at all with the Gamma? While Anas has suggested the Ultimatum for this run, and I have no doubt that a 4 awg would have more oomph and body than a 10 awg, the price difference is a major consideration. In addition, if romaz is correct about the Ultimatum being 4 gauge, then cable flexibility may also come into play.
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@jeremya Thanks for the timely post. For a run from a Furutech GTX-D gold outlet to a PS Audio P15 Regenerator, out of which my whole system comes, I'd been wondering if the Gamma Infinity would be substantial enough to handle it. I have a WyWires Diamond power cord there now. I'm not sure what the Diamond's gauge is, but the Infinity looks a little larger (Diamond's outer diameter = ~15/16"). Has that been a problem for you at all with the Gamma? While Anas has suggested the Ultimatum for this run, and I have no doubt that a 4 awg would have more oomph and body than a 10 awg, the price difference is a major consideration. In addition, if romaz is correct about the Ultimatum being 4 gauge, then cable flexibility may also come into play.

When I got the Sigma XC v2 (it's 6 gauge), I was convinced it was going to be my main squeeze for the next 3-5 years.

Instead, it lasted 3-5 weeks. :p

Zero regrets, no concerns. :cool:
What is the diameter of the Infinity?
The same as the Revelation (I believe the only difference is the amount of time the cable spends getting QSA'd).

I don't know that outer diameter on the cable sleeve really matters as there's a lot of inner geometry differences, shielding, insulation (etc.) between every cable out there. Take a look at the back shot of my Denali and you can see that the Infinity and the Revelation (same physical size) are:

a) bigger than a Delta v2
b) smaller than an Alpha v1
I deleted my post after realizing the Infinity was the cable partially visible on the far left in your photo, not the large one. I'm assuming the 99.7 is 0.997 inches, since 99.7 mm = nearly 4". Thanks,
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I deleted my post after realizing the Infinity was the cable partially visible on the far left in your photo, not the large one. I'm assuming the 99.7 is 0.997 inches, since 99.7 mm = nearly 4". Thanks,
Thanks for pointing the silliness of the conversion out. What that was was a photo of a dying, swollen LR44 battery’s effect on the accuracy of my micrometer.

I’ve replaced the battery and corrected the photo in-place.
Thanks. 18.5 mm = 0.73”. So the WW Diamonds are likely in the 6-8 awg range.

So to bc clear, you replaced the Sigma XC with the Gamma Infinity for the Denali power conditioner run?

To everyone, is the jitter plug redundant with the power cord or additive on the same run?
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