Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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I have now played music for about 300 hours on a pair of Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables. Prior to that, Anas told me they had, at most, five days of low wattage burn-in. These cables are replacing a pair of Gamma Infinity speaker cables.

First, a little background on my system. For years, my system’s strengths have been transparency, transient fidelity, speed, imaging, layering, retrieval of small ambient cues, and overall timing precision. More recently, I have sought greater tonal density, weight, gravitas, richness, and muscularity. A number of component changes have helped with that: the Taiko Extreme, Sean Jacobs ARC6 DC4 power supply for my Chord DAVE, and Shunyata Everest among them.

My first batch of QSA cables, received in early 2023, made a number of transformative changes. Chief among these were additional clarity, realism and immediacy, beauty and refinement. They were better than my existing cables by a wide margin. More detail can be found in my reviews at https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/qsa-lanedri-series.36078/post-856048 and https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/qsa-lanedri-series.36078/post-856049. The greatest impact was delivered by a pair of Gamma Infinity speaker cables. That, combined with the many stellar reviews of the Ultimatum speaker cables, made me think that moving up the speaker cable line would deliver another large impact.

I wasn’t wrong.

But I will say that the impact is qualitatively different than other QSA Lanedri cables. The first thing I always noticed with other QSA cables is the sheer amount of clarity, detail, and transparency that comes through. Familiar music is transformed because you are hearing musical lines, a sense of space, and vocal details that you’ve never heard before. Of course that’s not the only change — there are many across-the-board changes for the better. But the clarity is bracing. That was certainly true of my most recent QSA Lanedri cable purchases, two very modest looking DC extension cables that increased clarity even more (see reviews at posts #462, #506, and #510 in this thread).

So what is different about the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables? As others have noted, the first thing you notice is how much bigger the music sounds. In the first listening session, the day the cables arrived after a long journey from Hong Kong, I was floored by how weighty and realistic solo piano sounded. The harmonic richness in piano overtones was incredible. By the way, these cables were very listenable right out of the box. Sure, during those early days top end extension is missing and there is a lack of refinement. Gains in transparency and focus are not yet apparent. But what is noticeable immediately is that the cables lowered my system’s tonal center of gravity. They have gotten better and better over the last two to three weeks.

For me, these cables do two things that no other component has been able to do. First is the ease of presentation. We’ve all experienced moments when our systems have caused our bodies to react negatively. It might be a tightening of the jaw or a little cringe or stiffening of the body or something you don’t even notice until it has passed. Whatever it is, the result is that the body begins to shut down and you lose touch with the essence of the music. The causes are myriad: maybe it's a loud dynamic swing, maybe it’s some harsh high frequency content, or maybe it’s massed strings that don’t sound natural. The body knows before the mind knows. Typically I’m reaching for the volume control when this happens. Those moments are happening much less frequently now. I am hardly the first to recognize that these cables let the music flow easily into your listening space. As @hols said long ago: “The most significant quality that comes out is the sense of ease . . ."

Over those first few days, I became conscious that my body was consistently relaxed — the music just washed over me without any physical barriers. The fact that dynamic swings were more dramatic didn’t seem to matter. Music with lots of high frequency content did not change the equation. Even poor recordings lost a good bit of their ability to annoy me (though they were of course still recognizable as poor recordings).

Clement Perry’s insightful review of these cables in Stereo Times contained this observation, which I found curious before I put these cables in my system, but which makes perfect sense to me now: “You feel as though you’re not turning up the volume as much as you’re turning up the musicians.” Yep. It’s that sense of ease that makes you forget you are dealing with the mechanical reproduction of music because the presentation is so natural and uncompressed. I can only assume that part of this is because distortions have been removed and the noise floor is lower.

Speaking of volume, I can play big orchestral showpieces with some assurance that my desire to turn it up won’t come with a penalty. Conversely, I can listen at low levels to complex music and feel like I’m hearing real substance — the weight comes through. An example: Shostakovich's 10th symphony, third movement, contains some passages where the bass drum is basically playing alone, lightly tapping quarter notes at a p or pp level. Even at low volume levels, this passage, which has kind of disappeared on me before, can be heard clearly. Better than that: you can hear the pitch of the bass drum and hear how its sound is being transmitted through the glorious acoustic of Symphony Hall, Boston.

The second thing these cables do is transform the tonal density of your system. You can call it tonal saturation, weight, gravitas, timbral richness, or putting more meat on the bones, but it is unmistakable. No other component, let alone a cable, has achieved this, to this degree, in my system. As noted above, I’ve been searching for more of this and I feel like a milestone has been reached. In his comments on the Ultimatum speaker cables, @flkin observed that the QSA “house sound” is “thicker and meatier.” He then makes the following observation, which mirrors my experience: "For those with thin sounding system this is a major correction. For those with normal density systems initially it comes across as fatter sounding but over time as the burn continues, the separation of voices, instruments are very clear and with the soundstage developing properly, placed in the correct positions. Mids, upper mids and treble are all thicker and with that more real sounding.” I would just add that the tonal density I am hearing now with the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables is much more dramatic than the density improvements I have heard with other QSA cables. I suspect that the Spectra Infinity power cords would produce more density than my Gamma Revelation power cords, and the Ultimatum power cords are likely on a completely different level.

I’m finding some instruments benefit greatly from the added weight. The left hand on solo piano can be thrilling. Percussive piano has tremendous impact and heft. Double basses in the orchestra provide greater foundation. The lower registers of tenor sax or trumpet are so rich. So there is a more bottom-up sound to my system now but not at the expense of a beautiful midrange. Indeed, there are density increases across the entire frequency spectrum. Thus, well recorded cymbals sound weighty and metallic and are beautifully differentiated from one another. Gone is the whitish sound you sometimes hear even on decent recordings.

Tonal saturation also helps vocals sound more realistic and in the room. Choral music is heavenly. Eventually you notice that overall transparency has improved. With so many orchestras abandoning the studio and recording live in their home concert halls, I’m also noticing more differences from hall to hall.

I’m highlighting ease of presentation and tonal density because these are the factors that have transformed my system. Looking at my notes, there are other areas that have improved beyond the aforementioned clarity and transparency. Dynamics are bigger and more free flowing. Orchestral climaxes are bigger in terms of impact and heft — without pain. Complex big band music — the Maria Schneider Orchestra comes to mind — is presented with great separation of musical lines despite greater tonal saturation. I attend a lot of classical concerts, both chamber music and orchestral, and I feel that instrumental timbre and color are spot on.

These cables are expensive and the value question is subjective (to a large degree). It seems a little crazy to spend this kind of money on cables of any kind. I will only say that I’ve been on a quest to change the presentation and sound of my system into something that can induce physical receptiveness and relaxation, mindful attentiveness, and emotional engagement. These cables go a long way towards ticking each of those boxes. As I sit here listening to Oliver Nelson’s classic album The Blues and the Abstract Truth, I am getting the big, beautiful tone that I crave. Well done QSA Lanedri!
Great and detailed write-up. I hope many people jump on the QSA bandwagon. I have the Ultimatum Infinity PC and SC. I can not use all of the words you used but I agree with everything you say. They are truly end-game cables.
Regarding the cost....yes they are expensive, but so are components. Maybe you save money by not having to upgrade your components. These cables can transform any system.
I have now played music for about 300 hours on a pair of Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables. Prior to that, Anas told me they had, at most, five days of low wattage burn-in. These cables are replacing a pair of Gamma Infinity speaker cables.

First, a little background on my system. For years, my system’s strengths have been transparency, transient fidelity, speed, imaging, layering, retrieval of small ambient cues, and overall timing precision. More recently, I have sought greater tonal density, weight, gravitas, richness, and muscularity. A number of component changes have helped with that: the Taiko Extreme, Sean Jacobs ARC6 DC4 power supply for my Chord DAVE, and Shunyata Everest among them.

My first batch of QSA cables, received in early 2023, made a number of transformative changes. Chief among these were additional clarity, realism and immediacy, beauty and refinement. They were better than my existing cables by a wide margin. More detail can be found in my reviews at https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/qsa-lanedri-series.36078/post-856048 and https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/qsa-lanedri-series.36078/post-856049. The greatest impact was delivered by a pair of Gamma Infinity speaker cables. That, combined with the many stellar reviews of the Ultimatum speaker cables, made me think that moving up the speaker cable line would deliver another large impact.

I wasn’t wrong.

But I will say that the impact is qualitatively different than other QSA Lanedri cables. The first thing I always noticed with other QSA cables is the sheer amount of clarity, detail, and transparency that comes through. Familiar music is transformed because you are hearing musical lines, a sense of space, and vocal details that you’ve never heard before. Of course that’s not the only change — there are many across-the-board changes for the better. But the clarity is bracing. That was certainly true of my most recent QSA Lanedri cable purchases, two very modest looking DC extension cables that increased clarity even more (see reviews at posts #462, #506, and #510 in this thread).

So what is different about the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables? As others have noted, the first thing you notice is how much bigger the music sounds. In the first listening session, the day the cables arrived after a long journey from Hong Kong, I was floored by how weighty and realistic solo piano sounded. The harmonic richness in piano overtones was incredible. By the way, these cables were very listenable right out of the box. Sure, during those early days top end extension is missing and there is a lack of refinement. Gains in transparency and focus are not yet apparent. But what is noticeable immediately is that the cables lowered my system’s tonal center of gravity. They have gotten better and better over the last two to three weeks.

For me, these cables do two things that no other component has been able to do. First is the ease of presentation. We’ve all experienced moments when our systems have caused our bodies to react negatively. It might be a tightening of the jaw or a little cringe or stiffening of the body or something you don’t even notice until it has passed. Whatever it is, the result is that the body begins to shut down and you lose touch with the essence of the music. The causes are myriad: maybe it's a loud dynamic swing, maybe it’s some harsh high frequency content, or maybe it’s massed strings that don’t sound natural. The body knows before the mind knows. Typically I’m reaching for the volume control when this happens. Those moments are happening much less frequently now. I am hardly the first to recognize that these cables let the music flow easily into your listening space. As @hols said long ago: “The most significant quality that comes out is the sense of ease . . ."

Over those first few days, I became conscious that my body was consistently relaxed — the music just washed over me without any physical barriers. The fact that dynamic swings were more dramatic didn’t seem to matter. Music with lots of high frequency content did not change the equation. Even poor recordings lost a good bit of their ability to annoy me (though they were of course still recognizable as poor recordings).

Clement Perry’s insightful review of these cables in Stereo Times contained this observation, which I found curious before I put these cables in my system, but which makes perfect sense to me now: “You feel as though you’re not turning up the volume as much as you’re turning up the musicians.” Yep. It’s that sense of ease that makes you forget you are dealing with the mechanical reproduction of music because the presentation is so natural and uncompressed. I can only assume that part of this is because distortions have been removed and the noise floor is lower.

Speaking of volume, I can play big orchestral showpieces with some assurance that my desire to turn it up won’t come with a penalty. Conversely, I can listen at low levels to complex music and feel like I’m hearing real substance — the weight comes through. An example: Shostakovich's 10th symphony, third movement, contains some passages where the bass drum is basically playing alone, lightly tapping quarter notes at a p or pp level. Even at low volume levels, this passage, which has kind of disappeared on me before, can be heard clearly. Better than that: you can hear the pitch of the bass drum and hear how its sound is being transmitted through the glorious acoustic of Symphony Hall, Boston.

The second thing these cables do is transform the tonal density of your system. You can call it tonal saturation, weight, gravitas, timbral richness, or putting more meat on the bones, but it is unmistakable. No other component, let alone a cable, has achieved this, to this degree, in my system. As noted above, I’ve been searching for more of this and I feel like a milestone has been reached. In his comments on the Ultimatum speaker cables, @flkin observed that the QSA “house sound” is “thicker and meatier.” He then makes the following observation, which mirrors my experience: "For those with thin sounding system this is a major correction. For those with normal density systems initially it comes across as fatter sounding but over time as the burn continues, the separation of voices, instruments are very clear and with the soundstage developing properly, placed in the correct positions. Mids, upper mids and treble are all thicker and with that more real sounding.” I would just add that the tonal density I am hearing now with the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables is much more dramatic than the density improvements I have heard with other QSA cables. I suspect that the Spectra Infinity power cords would produce more density than my Gamma Revelation power cords, and the Ultimatum power cords are likely on a completely different level.

I’m finding some instruments benefit greatly from the added weight. The left hand on solo piano can be thrilling. Percussive piano has tremendous impact and heft. Double basses in the orchestra provide greater foundation. The lower registers of tenor sax or trumpet are so rich. So there is a more bottom-up sound to my system now but not at the expense of a beautiful midrange. Indeed, there are density increases across the entire frequency spectrum. Thus, well recorded cymbals sound weighty and metallic and are beautifully differentiated from one another. Gone is the whitish sound you sometimes hear even on decent recordings.

Tonal saturation also helps vocals sound more realistic and in the room. Choral music is heavenly. Eventually you notice that overall transparency has improved. With so many orchestras abandoning the studio and recording live in their home concert halls, I’m also noticing more differences from hall to hall.

I’m highlighting ease of presentation and tonal density because these are the factors that have transformed my system. Looking at my notes, there are other areas that have improved beyond the aforementioned clarity and transparency. Dynamics are bigger and more free flowing. Orchestral climaxes are bigger in terms of impact and heft — without pain. Complex big band music — the Maria Schneider Orchestra comes to mind — is presented with great separation of musical lines despite greater tonal saturation. I attend a lot of classical concerts, both chamber music and orchestral, and I feel that instrumental timbre and color are spot on.

These cables are expensive and the value question is subjective (to a large degree). It seems a little crazy to spend this kind of money on cables of any kind. I will only say that I’ve been on a quest to change the presentation and sound of my system into something that can induce physical receptiveness and relaxation, mindful attentiveness, and emotional engagement. These cables go a long way towards ticking each of those boxes. As I sit here listening to Oliver Nelson’s classic album The Blues and the Abstract Truth, I am getting the big, beautiful tone that I crave. Well done QSA Lanedri!
I, too, concur with your observations and could not agree more on the Ultimatum's harmonic integrity, transparency, and density. I now have two pairs of the Ultimatum SCs in my system, driving a large pair of Sunny Majestic Horns, and I remain in awe of how much better the sound has become 6, 7, and 8 months later. Even today, the burn-in continues, and I remain in awe of the sonic prowess of the QSA technology.
I want to upgrade my cables step by step..

For me, the Lanedri Gamma Revelation line is already my endgame in terms of budget.

Which cable would you guys replace first, for the most effect?

I would think the powercable that goes to the mains filter, then the effect bleeds through all of my equipment was my thought?

Or would you advice to upgrade the speaker cables first or maybe another cable in the audio chain?
I want to upgrade my cables step by step..

For me, the Lanedri Gamma Revelation line is already my endgame in terms of budget.

Which cable would you guys replace first, for the most effect?

I would think the powercable that goes to the mains filter, then the effect bleeds through all of my equipment was my thought?

Or would you advice to upgrade the speaker cables first or maybe another cable in the audio chain?

Very system dependent. I'd say power cords are probably a good bet for many. What is your system?

Anas is great to work with and he will take care of you!
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I want to upgrade my cables step by step..

For me, the Lanedri Gamma Revelation line is already my endgame in terms of budget.

Which cable would you guys replace first, for the most effect?

I would think the powercable that goes to the mains filter, then the effect bleeds through all of my equipment was my thought?

Or would you advice to upgrade the speaker cables first or maybe another cable in the audio chain?
Ask Anas, he has tremendous insight and experience in this realm. If it were just me, I would at least try to expand your budget and go with the Gamma Infinity PC on your power conditioner and Infinity on your speaker cables.
Ask Anas, he has tremendous insight and experience in this realm. If it were just me, I would at least try to expand your budget and go with the Gamma Infinity PC on your power conditioner and Infinity on your speaker cables.
I would agree with Willgolf: ask Anas and stretch, if you can, to Infinity on both speaker cables and/or the power cord from the wall to your power conditioner. I started with three Gamma Revelation power cords and Gamma Infinity speaker cables. The single biggest impact was provided by the speaker cables. The second biggest was the power cord feeding the power conditioner.
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Maybe I can give some user experience on the QSA-L GI XLR cables. I have been using them between my DAC and preamp for the past 9 months or so. I did not try it between the preamp and power amp because I need a long interconnect 3m at least as my monoblock power amps are placed close to my speakers. I would say that the GI XLR are of a slightly different character compared with the power cords. It is sort of the opposite of an analog sound. It gives a more focused sound and give you some great attacks. Instruments of the orchestra are displayed in an orderly manner and in good layering. When there is a sudden loud attack in the piece you can sense that the double bass just lies orderly in its position and giving that plug. It tends to give a more taut(in the good sense) but not tense feeling yet it is in complete harmony with the other QSA-L cables. By that I mean QSA-L cables in general gives a very sumptuous mid and adding the GI XLR helps to to give a tighter bass but does not subtract the lovely mids displayed by the other QSA-L. It actually improves the dynamics and gives you a 'faster' or more lively sound amidst the lovely mids. I would say that if there are QSA-L cables in the system then it will be a good mix to use it. If there are no QSA-L cables in the system or the system is on the lean side then this may not be the best match.
Following up on my QSA-L GI XLR cable experience per the exchange back around post #558.

My XLR use is between the preamp and power amp. Hols experience was spot on. In my case the XLRs become the third QSA signal cable in sequence (DAC cable into preamp, network cable to DAC, XLR to amp). The effect was like being transported closer to the stage, larger, more clear and with more refinement. As with my previous experience the first week is essential break-in, but the improvements a clear for at least 5 weeks. So glad I took the XLR experiment :)
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What just happened? I have opted to go with QSA Lanedri on most of my Aries Cerat components including the Aurora speakers. As an example, I have the Ultimatum Infinity SC going from the Essentia Amps to the Aurora crossovers. Then I had an Ultimatum Infinity SC going from the Crossover to the bass driver. I have the Gamma Infinity SC going from the Crossover to another driver and I had another brand going to the last driver.

Yesterday, I received my revised Ultimatum Infinity PC that goes from the Inakustic 4500P PC to the QSA Silver outlet. I also received another Gamma Infinity SC and another Ultimatum Infinity PC. I replaced the non-QSA SC to my Aurora speaker and then decided to try the Ultimatum Infinity PC in my Kassandra 2 DAC. I turned the system on not really expecting anything, especially with new speakers and some new cords. I was wrong. Everything just got more detailed, crisper, cleaner, and alive. I wish I knew what happened but I kind of do. Anas always says everything is additive. I will eventually try the Ultimatum Infinity PC on the Ageto Preamp.
I must admit that I am a big QSA fan. I have been using QSA products for years. I started with fuses, then as soon as Anas launched the Lanedri cable portfolio, I immediately ordered some power, dc and dac cables from him. The next step was the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable last year, which made an incredible difference to my system. I decided right then that when the Ultimatum power cable came out I would definitely try it. I ordered one for my Horizon dac and it arrived a few weeks ago. Anas was kind enough to send me another cable so I could try it in other devices.
I have had the pleasure of trying a lot of cables over the last 20 years, some extremely expensive 20-30 K cables. Still, I have to say that QSA Lanedri Ultimatum cables exist in a universe of their own. They are different from any other cable I have heard of in one way. More on realism. For me, it is the only cable that really recreates the magic of live music in my listening room. They have incredible speed, tons of details and dynamics but are never analytical, quite the contrary. It shows textures of instruments that I have only experienced up close in concert. I perceive the soundstage bigger than my room.
I have no idea how or what Anas does with the cables, but the end result is stunning.
Many thanks to Anas!
Thank you, everyone, for the valuable feedback and the rich tapestry of experiences you've shared! Your stories of musical rediscovery through our cables are the heartbeat of our mission and fuel our dedication. Every shared moment is a reflection of the transformative QSA Lanedri journey we're all part of.

The Ultimatum Infinity power cable is a game-changer for every component in your audio setup, shattering the myth of diminishing returns when it comes to our cables. Its unique impact on each component is irreplaceable, and the synergistic effect it brings elevates your music experience to unparalleled heights. Each connection with this cable not only enhances individual performance but also harmonizes the system as a whole, creating an audio experience that's more than the sum of its parts.

We're still at the beginning of this exciting journey, and the continuous 'wow' moments in our research and development efforts are incredibly motivating. Revealing the hidden potential of every audio setup is what aim for, and each new product we introduce brings us closer to realizing this goal.

Stay tuned for the upcoming additions to our lineup, including the commercial release of the Gamma Infinity USB cable and the Spectra Infinity interconnects, promising yet another layer of transformative experiences.
Thank you, everyone, for the valuable feedback and the rich tapestry of experiences you've shared! Your stories of musical rediscovery through our cables are the heartbeat of our mission and fuel our dedication. Every shared moment is a reflection of the transformative QSA Lanedri journey we're all part of.

The Ultimatum Infinity power cable is a game-changer for every component in your audio setup, shattering the myth of diminishing returns when it comes to our cables. Its unique impact on each component is irreplaceable, and the synergistic effect it brings elevates your music experience to unparalleled heights. Each connection with this cable not only enhances individual performance but also harmonizes the system as a whole, creating an audio experience that's more than the sum of its parts.

We're still at the beginning of this exciting journey, and the continuous 'wow' moments in our research and development efforts are incredibly motivating. Revealing the hidden potential of every audio setup is what aim for, and each new product we introduce brings us closer to realizing this goal.

Stay tuned for the upcoming additions to our lineup, including the commercial release of the Gamma Infinity USB cable and the Spectra Infinity interconnects, promising yet another layer of transformative experiences.
Very exciting!!! The improvement from the early DC extension cable to the updated Gamma Infinity DC cable was dramatic in my system o_O
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I thought all the DC extension cables were already in the gamma infinity range. At least my extension cables were marked as such.
I thought all the DC extension cables were already in the gamma infinity range. At least my extension cables were marked as such.
Yes; my extension cable is labelled Gamma Infinity. Edited my text above. My understanding is the processing evolved; Anas would have to elaborate.
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Yes; my extension cable is labelled Gamma Infinity. Edited my text above. My understanding is the processing evolved; Anas would have to elaborate.

During the initial launch of the Gamma DC cable, we introduced an exclusive limited edition of 50 units at a special introductory price. This offer was designed to give early a glimpse into the effects of this DC cable.

The official version of the Gamma DC cable, now available, significantly surpasses the initial edition in terms of performance, thanks to an enhanced cable design. Essentially, it's an entirely different cable. Additionally, it provides the option to customize the barrel connectors on both ends, resulting in a more seamless integrated end-to-end connection with this Gamma DC cable, thereby maximizing the overall listening experience.

For those interested, we provide the option to upgrade to the official Gamma Infinity DC cable.

The Ultimatum Infinity DC cable is also slated for future release. Our prototypes are showing performance on par with the Ultimatum Infinity AC power cable, promising a 'wow' experience.
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Can you provide a picture of the DC cable and what each end looks like?
The barrels can be tailored to fit specific client requirements, including options like GX12, GX16 (2, 3, or 4), Jaeger, XLR, and Oyaide (2.1, 2.5). While the external appearance remains relatively unchanged, the internal wiring features a different, larger gauge. We'll be updating our website with photos ASAP.

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