I bought one of them - Sabina Hank - maybe three years ago. Great sound. However, it took almost a year for them to deliver the tape. At that time, there apparently was only one person, part-time, doing the reproduction. I had to email quite a few times to finally get the tape. I also had to do a wire transfer to get them the money in Euros - no credit cards or paypal. I had heard the tape at a demo by Philip O'Handlon and liked the sound and the quality of her voice and the music. Not that interested in the other artists at that time. I haven't looked at their catalogue in a long time. As I remember you can specify format and EQ - I did 15 ips 2 track with CCIR EQ - same as the Tape Project tapes that I subscribe to and the Opus 3 tapes I have.
I bought all of it . It's as good as tape project tapes and some maybe better. Didn't take very long . Certainly not as long as TapeProject tapes . Cheaper . However packaging not as good .
I bought all of it . It's as good as tape project tapes and some maybe better. Didn't take very long . Certainly not as long as TapeProject tapes . Cheaper . However packaging not as good .
IIRC, there were some samples on their website. They don't have the super stars that are featured on Tape Project tapes. I had never heard of any of them - only Sabina Hank because of hearing that tape. The music was not to my taste, but YMMV. Larry
Asamel, try these tapes, Sabina Hank - Blue Moments, Linda Sharrock - Confessions, Muthspiel -Johnson Blade - Real Book, Nouvelle Cuisine- Mozart revisited , my favourite tape. Read up Albert Porter Review of Quinton tapes T positive-feedback.
I also strongly recommend Yarlung records - Dialoghi & Janaki string trio
I would also strongly recommend the tapes from Ultra Analogue which are all classical chamber music. Like the tapes from Yarlung, they feature young, very talented artists. I have all the Yarlung tapes and most all of the Ultra Analogue tapes. I also have 10 of the Opus 3 which are superb and am a charter subscriber to the Tape Project (have all of their tapes). Both of those are also great. An interesting story about the Janaki String Trio which have an album on Yarlung. The violist, Katie Kadarauch is the assistant principal violist of the San Francisco Symphony and one of its younger members. When she was in 5th or 6th grade, we (my daughter who played violin) car pooled with Katie to the Oakland Youth Orchestra. She was principal cello her first year, then principal second violin her second year. She moved on to the San Francisco Youth Orchestra where she started to play the viola. I think she plays a couple of other instruments. Her dad has been the long time principal cellist of the San Francisco Opera Orchestra.
Yes, I have them all according to Andreas, and I like the TP titles better sonically speaking, the Quinton tapes are not bad at all, and I like the music recorded on them a lot.
Many of the albums are available on CD, SACD or LP. This is true of the Opus 3 tapes and the Tape Project Tapes (which come from many different labels). I remember that there were some samples on the Quinton website. Yarlung has several of its tape releases available on LP. In all cases, you can hear the music, but not the quality of the reproduction. Opus 3 does sell a very nice sampler tape which gives you both samples of quite a few albums and you can hear the quality of 15ips 2 track. Not cheap at about $200, but the tapes themselves are around $500 each (direct copies of the master tapes!).