There is something I do to my Accustic Arts transport. It is a top loader for cds. I have a Shakti Stone and I place it directly above the spindle. The Shakti is a Electromagnetic stablizer and I believe it helps with the magnetic field generated by the spinning of the disc. Anyway I am not sure why it works but you should try it. It works wonders for my didgital playback.
i owned a pair of Shakti Stones for 10 years, and finally sold them along with a few of my other un-used tweaks last fall in a cash seeking purge.
i have no illusions; talking about Shakti Stones on WBF is asking for grief. over the years i used the Shakti Stones in a number of situations where i found they lowered the noise floor and improved vividness...mostly on amplifier transformers (Tenor OTL monoblocks) and digital transports (EMM Labs). in other situations they softened the sound, and so i did not use them. it was about finding the right balance. they are just another tool. they could also help with dampning reasonance of poorly damped casework with some gear.
Shakti Stones fall under the heading of "They are not expensive, do some good things in specific situations, and are not worth defending". like cable elevators, NOT WORTH DEFENDING!
so if you talk about this type of stuff here, do not take reactions personally.