Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

Rhapsody.Audio- Listening Rooms (RLRs)

Rhapsody.Audio would like to announce that within the next 3-4 months there will be multiple new locations where several of the product lines that Rhapsody.Audio represents will be available to audition via Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms (RLRs).

Initially, the RLR’s will have the products available for demonstration mentioned below. Upon opening, the DFW RLR will have a very similar product offering as that available at Rhapsody.Audio in Manhattan.

Over time, all locations will be expanding their portfolio to a comparable scale as that of NYC/DFW.

The RLRs will be available to host auditions by appointment. All product ordering and delivery logistics will be processed and supported from the Rhapsody.Audio NYC location.

Product assistance and installation will be supported by Rhapsody.Audio NYC along with the RLRs depending on customer location.

The RLR locations are:

Portland - Rhapsody.Audio RLR

Products available to audition (coming soon)




-Bayz Audio

Dallas/Fort Worth Rhapsody.Audio DFW

Products available to audition:



-Bayz Audio




-Taiko Audio


West Palm Beach & Miami (2 Florida locations) Rhapsody.Audio WPB/Miami

West Palm Beach will open initially. Miami will follow when the RLR is ready to host customers.

Products available to audition (initially):





Chicago, IL Rhapsody.Audio Chicago

Products available to audition (initially):





Long Island, NY Rhapsody.Audio Long Island



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Its a “Gold Aero” phono tube, made in W. Germany but has the telefunken diamond stamp in the bottom of the glass. I am told thats indicative its a telefunken tube (i am a noob to such matters)

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Be careful of the Telefunken diamond as fakes are well known. The following is from JAC Music.

"How to distinguish fake diamonds from real diamonds.

I quickly made this sketch as it tells more than words. Also in the next picture, I show you the glass cracks. They did a really nice job, actually melting the surface, and also achieving the original dimensions. The surface does not look lasered at all, and it has indeed identical surface like original diamonds too.

Only thing is.... the real diamond is in positive. HOWEVER, laser can only remove something, or melt it, but not add material. So really, the fake diamond is extremely well done, BUT.... there are three things I noted:

  1. It is in negative. This is However, not easy to see with the bar eye! I did not notice myself at first. You do need a (very good) jeweler's lens, and you might see it. You can try to scratch over it with the blade of a sharp knife. Like that you can feel the knife go inside. Whereas with an original diamond you can feel it's an edge.
  2. There is dirt inside. It needs the right light, and the right angle, and I saw some gray dirt.
  3. The laser has developed a whole field of extremely fine hairs cracks.
  4. The boxes of these tubes were to fat, too shiny

Really search for proof, a real diamond is in positive, and this is very very confusing! Negative, faked diamonds appear positive under some angle, and this is very very hard to see.

More reliable than the eye, is a fine, sharp cutter knife. With that you can easily feel if the diamond is INSIDE the glass, meaning it is fake, or ON the glass, so it is real.

I can't just write company names here, but I have seen them already with some of the larger UK and German tube dealers."
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Marty, thanks (not!) for sharing this. One more place in life one has to be on the lookout for scoundrels. It really is astonishing the lengths scoundrels will go to — if only they”d apply that creativity in a positive uplifting direction instead of scheming up ways to take advantage of their fellow man.
Tubes can be looked at and tested
you can’t imagine what goes on with capacitors
fake names and if you test it’s most times correct
now weigh it or open the can to see what’s happening inside
Tiny caps soldered
Nice. you will get a big jump changing valves. 45 Mesh plates do not do as well on amplifiers as the non-mesh solid plate. Mesh is noisier. Also, the EML 45s are not that good, but the EML globe anniversary 45s are brilliant. Though a bit rare.

The Sophia mesh is not that good a valve, try EML and KR. The RK 5u4g is excellent. You can also take a punt on WE 274b.
And my SET journey begins… fired up the TriodeLabs 45 EVO Integrated with:

Sophia Electric Aqua II 274B rectifier
Emissions Labs 45 mesh plate
Chelmer 6SN7 (Sovtek)
Gold Aero 12AU7 (Telefunken), W Germany

Generic interconnects to my Rossini, speaker cables Bayz prototypes, older Shunyata ZTron Python power cable (no noise filtering) direct to dedicated outlet. This all just until I get the cabling dialed-in, this will let me get some burn-in hours on the amp.

The 2w from the 45s plenty of mojo for the Heretics. Let the wild rumpus begin!
This is the real "adjunct" to the Rhapsody Listening Rooms - Brooklyn. Across the street at Fort Greene Park where I spend every morning playing with "the dogs" during "off leash" in the whole park until 9am.

Today at the park we have Hera, with the blue leash, Jengo (male) center, and Gracie (6 month old). Happy Bernese Day along with Memorial Day!
This is the real "adjunct" to the Rhapsody Listening Rooms - Brooklyn. Across the street at Fort Greene Park where I spend every morning playing with "the dogs" during "off leash" in the whole park until 9am.

Today at the park we have Hera, with the blue leash, Jengo (male) center, and Gracie (6 month old). Happy Bernese Day along with Memorial Day!
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beautiful breed Bob. One of my daughters has a Bernadoodle which is a cross between the Bernese and a poodle which she bought because there is zero shedding.
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beautiful breed Bob. One of my daughters has a Bernadoodle which is a cross between the Bernese and a poodle which she bought because there is zero shedding.
Yes, there are many Bernadoodles at our park along with Labadoodles and all kind of doodles;) all fun and great dogs.
No doubt they are very useful in helping you move around big amps and speakers. It also appears that you also trained Jengo to use his tail to take this picture using your iphone. Nice!
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Ha ha someone else took the picture. It was unusual for us to have a male, female and puppy all sitting there at one time.
We had a Bernese years ago--great dog. Are all three yours? In one house? Yikes!
Hi Ken, I don't have a dog. I live across the street from a really great park. I spend a few hours with friends that all have dogs that I've now known for several years. It's like a breakfast club. Coffee, friends, conversation and dogs. Lot's of dog treats too:) There are 100-200 dogs running around the park off leash until 9am every morning. About 100 of these dogs stop and visit where I hang out. It's heaven for me.

I do occasionally "baby sit" certain dogs for friends, but I travel a lot and have constant visitors at Rhapsody and having a dog isn't in the cards, although up until I've been doing Rhapsody (24 years) I always had a dog in the family. I like dogs more than most people:)
I'm thrilled to say the Alsyvox Carravagio dons the cover of June's The Absolute Sound. The review itself? Editor in Chief Robert Harley says so eloquently in words the feelings I have in my head and heart. In reading this magazine and others like it religiously since age 13, I honestly don't think I've read a more glowing review. I'd urge anyone who loves music to make a pilgrimage to Sausalito (15 min from downtown San Francisco) and listen to this game changing speaker, at our showroom in California. Some of the stellar pull quotes below. DM me for the full review or to arrange a listening!

"The instant the music starts, there’s a sudden frisson of excitement as this remarkable loudspeaker brings the music to life."

"The Caravaggio’s continuousness of presentation and organic ‘wholeness’ defies dissection."

"The massive soundstage is incredibly detailed and resolved, with pinpoint image localization, extremely fine resolution of the lowest-level information, and transients of even the quietest sounds imbued with lifelike realism."

"What dynamic power, bass extension, and physicality this speaker delivers! It belies the stereotype of the ribbon speaker as polite, refined, delicate, and lacking bottom-end slam and dynamic contrasts."

"The Caravaggio is one of the world’s greatest loudspeakers. The qualities that make it so spectacular are manifold: uncannily realistic rendering of timbre, image tangibility, expansive and detailed spatial presentation, ability to portray the physicality of instruments, transparency, resolution, and transient speed."

"The Caravaggio presents a kind of physicality to the sound, not just in the usual terms of bottom-end weight and heft, but in the tangibility and presence of instrumental and vocal images, both texturally and spatially."

"When you combine this power and weight with a ribbon speaker’s unrivaled transient speed, the result is nothing short of thrilling."

"The way images float in space, completely detached from the loudspeakers, is unlike that of any dynamic loudspeaker."

"The Caravaggio has a very present, immediate, and upfront spatial presentation, but not in a forward or aggressive way. Rather, it simply has an extraordinary vividness and tangibility of instrumental and vocal images."

"The Caravaggio’s ultra-fast transient response, exquisite resolution of fine detail, and ability to convey the instrument’s physicality combine to make music that sounds at once realistic, visceral, immediate, and absolutely thrilling."

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Do you have that model in your dealer showroom?
I just packed up the pair that RH had for four months for review. The Caravaggio XX. It will be in the Brooklyn showroom in about 7 days along with the Botticelli X. So David and I both have Caravaggios available for demonstration. California or Brooklyn.
Alsyvox Botticelli X driven by 5 Watt Triole Lab RSR 45 amps. You need to hear it to understand. The RSR amps with the BX produce seemingly room shaking bass on LOW bass notes. And it's HARD to make this stone room feel like this. The Hashimoto transformers in the TL amps are special.

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Alsyvox Caravaggio XX with external crossovers and actually the same pair that is on the cover this month of the Absolute Sound were installed today at Rhapsody.Audio Brooklyn.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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