Rockport Technologies Introduces Orion Loudspeaker

Half price wow, leaves such a small profit margin.
There is no profit margin from a resell.

Rockport dealers give 5 % discount on order or upto 7% for long term customers. They just cannot give more in Europe including VAT.
That is 223.000 Euro to pay in most optimal scenario.
So those guys will lose about 100.000 Euro on this resell.
Whoever buys it will get something extraordinary and crazy cheap.
There is no profit margin from a resell.

How do you know?
Depends what they bought it for .
If this was a dealer demo sale that might be the case , but in case of a trade in they might have made a profit .

Ps Not to take anything away from the Lyra as i think its in the top 3 of transducers one can buy ( regardless of price ).
Miles above other Rockports imo

Orion has not really impressed me yet in Munich , id like to hear them in a good dealer set up
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i Think the clear implication was that Rockport's sell at a huge profit margin so that selling them for half price still makes money for the dealer. Rockport, believe it or not, does not make a ton of profit. It's a small company with a lot of expenses. Dealers typically have a little higher margin on speakers than other items but not 50%. The sellers could obviously be making money on the transaction but that is not what the poster was implying unless I'm misreading the post. BTW please listen to Orion again. I'd be shocked if you clearly thought the Lyra was leagues better. Similar sound. Detail vs incisiveness. Different room coupling with the woofers. All personal taste.
Whatever it is and who paid the price it is the first time in history Someone offers used Lyra.
Those speakers were never offered officially on a used market.
It is an endgame speaker in every way so that’s a reason I think.
i Think the clear implication was that Rockport's sell at a huge profit margin so that selling them for half price still makes money for the dealer. Rockport, believe it or not, does not make a ton of profit. It's a small company with a lot of expenses. Dealers typically have a little higher margin on speakers than other items but not 50%. The sellers could obviously be making money on the transaction but that is not what the poster was implying unless I'm misreading the post. BTW please listen to Orion again. I'd be shocked if you clearly thought the Lyra was leagues better. Similar sound. Detail vs incisiveness. Different room coupling with the woofers. All personal taste.
My Orion's are probably 2-3 weeks or less from delivery. Can you elaborate on the bass coupling of the Orions v Lyra? I currently have Cygnus had have the woofers around 78 inches from the front wall. My room is 15.5 ft w x 21.5 ft L x 9 ft H. Have them on the 15.5 foot wall out into the room. The bass is great with the dual woofer Cygnus, albeit just a tad boomy at times. With the one 13 once woofer in the Orion, based on your experience, how do you think the bass response might be? I'm prepared to move the Orion's around a bit from my current Cygnus placement.

Thanks and I will keep everyone posted once they arrive and get set up. I'll take lots of pics!
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