Mike, sorry to hear, but just trying to understand. In between the 130k spend and the 107k being recovered from insurance, you must have been worried. Did you buy some of the analog gear during that gap? Just trying to understand the psyche
Ked, you ask a very relevant question to my life in the last year. i'm afraid to derail Ron's thread too much getting into my struggles. but his thread is about life stresses and frustrations, so i suppose my story is on topic. and this water damage repair is only a piece of the overall situation of my psyche.
last August was when i had just added the two Miyajima Infinity mono carts, and the EMT 948 and Durand Kairos. i was really starting to imagine being retired soon, but still had some plans for acquisitions to my system before i stopped working. very specifically i planned on staying in my current home and so setting everything up as i wanted it was important. business was in recovery from COVID and i was bullish on things.
to begin with the repairs did not look that daunting. i assumed that insurance would cover things and that we would be done with repairs by Thanksgiving. then in December i decided to upgrade my Home Theater in my house, adding more speakers for a full 15 channel surround, plus a high level processor, and 3 Funk Audio Subs. a long term thing my wife and i could really enjoy together. just after i committed to that step and things were incoming, it became obvious that the repairs were going to be taking much longer than originally anticipated, plus we got a bid that was crazy, so switched contractors.
then in February i added the Stax 009S headphones and the MSB headphone amp to my 2 channel system, an itch i had for a long time. finally i traded my Durand Sapphire Telos to Mik for an additional LFD cable, and bought a second Durand Tosca. in March i made my 'final' acquisition of the Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono (still in process for upgrades). in March things at work got really tough, which really weighed on me, and that combined with our repair stresses did cause me to close down some. i'm use to ups and downs in my work, but maybe combined with all the repair process, the lack of clarity on the insurance situation, and the idea of retirement, i was feeling the stress. all of a sudden i started considering an end game in a different home, one that was less demanding. did i really need a 5000 sq ft house plus a barn? it was not that i could not afford where i was at, more what did i want to spend my nest egg on really? should i downsize? what would that look like?
since March i have not made more acquisitions, or even thought about any. but i knew i was at the end of my hifi path. work stresses have turned around to a positive, even really good. now the insurance has come through. so the dark clouds have lifted. but i think downsizing is a strong consideration. even a few years back i assumed i would add more turntables but then once i had investigated what i really actually liked i would down size; i don't need 4 turntables, 3 phono stages and 3 tape decks. but do i still need my big room? or will retirement bring a different balance to my life and reduce my need for the big rig and the big place? right now i could go either way. i suspect once the repairs are done my wife will want to enjoy them for awhile. so i just need to live the process out and see what happens.