I bought a ZYX 2 months ago but haven't installed it yet because my Benz LPS just sings. I guess the old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" resonates with me.
When you are done setting up your mega system with the AS2000/SME. The ZYX will not sound on a warm side. If you still find it warm, look elsewhere down the chain.
A Coralstone on Axiom on AF1 in my system is still in a different league from the four carts I have on the AS2000. I doubt it moves up a league even if play on the AS. But I dont have a diamond cantilever like Christian and Gian.
Just for the record - I bought a B&O cartridge in the mid 80s with a solid diamond cantilever for about £65. New. If I remember correctly. I'm pretty sure it was amazingly cheap, though.
I used to stare at it with a magnifying glass in wonderment.
I bought a ZYX 2 months ago but haven't installed it yet because my Benz LPS just sings. I guess the old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" resonates with me.
Same here. Interestingly, I have a Benz LPS and a ZYX and have been playing the ZYX for the last several months. I recently swapped the ZYX for the Benz and have been really enjoying it. It’s not as quiet as the zyx but just so musical that I have no intention to go back to the zyx in a hurry.
Same here. Interestingly, I have a Benz LPS and a ZYX and have been playing the ZYX for the last several months. I recently swapped the ZYX for the Benz and have been really enjoying it. It’s not as quiet as the zyx but just so musical that I have no intention to go back to the zyx in a hurry.
I have been excited about, and looking forward to ordering and using, two Stacore Basic+s for the VTL Siegfried II amplifiers (each mono amplifier weighs 200 pounds). I still am going to order the Stacore platforms for the amplifiers at some point.
But as I think through the smaller details about putting the components of the system in the room sometime next year and adjusting and repositioning the four speaker columns over many months to hear how different locations sound in the listening space I realize I will want to be able easily to move the amps around as I move the speakers around. I could wrestle the VTL MB-750s a couple of feet here or there by myself as each of them weighs only 120 pounds. But there is no way I can move a Siegfried by myself.
So until I settle on initial speaker positions after a few months of playing around I want to be able to roll the amplifiers around as I move the four speaker columns around.
I have been excited about, and looking forward to ordering and using, two Stacore Basic+s for the VTL Siegfried II amplifiers (each mono amplifier weighs 200 pounds). I still am going to order the Stacore platforms for the amplifiers at some point.
But as I think through the smaller details about putting the components of the system in the room sometime next year and adjusting and repositioning the four speaker columns over many months to hear how different locations sound in the listening space I realize I will want to be able easily to move the amps around as I move the speakers around. I could wrestle the VTL MB-750s a couple of feet here or there by myself as each of them weighs only 120 pounds. But there is no way I can move a Siegfried by myself.
So until I settle on initial speaker positions after a few months of playing around I want to be able to roll the amplifiers around as I move the four speaker columns around.
moving the speakers around is a must!, but parallel moving the Siegfrieds around can be critical, as they are huge (hight) and can case different reflections, if not in the same distance/position to the speakers.
I do have for this purpose some long entry level speaker cable, that the amps do not disturb the finding of the best speaker position.
Than you can find the best place for the Siegfried, as they influence the speaker reflections and do sound different, depending on the in room bass mode pressure on the final place.
Shakti, maybe having the rear panels of the Siegfrieds facing out towards the listener would defuse reflections off the front of the case? Other than aesthetics it has always made more sense to me to have the rear contnection panel of amplifiers facing outward so you have shorter distances between the speaker and the amplifier?
My experience with the VTL S400 (on Universum III) is , that the amp does not suffer too much from little longer speaker cables (tried 4ft and 6ft and 8ft, same cable), the difference in sound was bigger, moving the S400 a half meter forward or backward , if listening a little louder. Your Poseidon will have more significant bass power pressure on the placement line of the speakers, seems to be important for the VTL (my Boulder does not care, my CAT Statement is even more sensitive)
Shakti, when you moved the amp, I assume you changed the speaker cable for a different length? Or did the height of the amp cause issues in imaging with the same cable?
Shakti, when you moved the amp, I assume you changed the speaker cable for a different length? Or did the height of the amp cause issues in imaging with the same cable?
moving amps and speakers are done with a standard but long speaker cable.
On the final position of speaker and amps I try "best" speaker cable, depending on the amp.
(currently different for Boulder or VTL S-400)
As the Universum III have outside binding posts on separate boxes, I can try different cable length with now problem, with CAT Statement mono amps even cable jumpers are long enough for a proper connection.
First of all it's an honor to be chosen by you as amplifier decoupling, thank you very much!
I can say what I'd do, perhaps you will find it useful. I'd follow the orders of influence on the sound. Although proper vibration isolation is IMHO a very important part of sound shaping, it's influence is in most cases of a lower order than speaker positioning, or in general speaker - room interface. The latter is of a paramount importance, and is of the highest, apart from the speakers themselves, order of influence. Thus, I'd first settle with the speaker positioning, using whatever means are convenient to move the equipment around, and only after that start adding proper vibration isolation.
I have been excited about, and looking forward to ordering and using, two Stacore Basic+s for the VTL Siegfried II amplifiers (each mono amplifier weighs 200 pounds). I still am going to order the Stacore platforms for the amplifiers at some point.
But as I think through the smaller details about putting the components of the system in the room sometime next year and adjusting and repositioning the four speaker columns over many months to hear how different locations sound in the listening space I realize I will want to be able easily to move the amps around as I move the speakers around. I could wrestle the VTL MB-750s a couple of feet here or there by myself as each of them weighs only 120 pounds. But there is no way I can move a Siegfried by myself.
So until I settle on initial speaker positions after a few months of playing around I want to be able to roll the amplifiers around as I move the four speaker columns around.
Ron, actually they do look like they could accept bananas. Probably a smaller diameter banana, but the hole in the center of the terminal looks to be for exactly that!
Ron, actually they do look like they could accept bananas. Probably a smaller diameter banana, but the hole in the center of the terminal looks to be for exactly that!
A banana plug is a standardized plug. A “mini banana” is not a standard plug. I think the hole in the center looks too small to except a male banana, and that is why I think the terminal cannot accept a banana plug.
A banana plug is a standardized plug. A “mini banana” is not a standard plug. I think the hole in the center looks too small to except a male banana, and that is why I think the terminal cannot except a banana plug.
Actually I fail to see you delineating on your prior post as to which type of banana plug you were inquiring about. Nonetheless, it certainly looks to me as if a banana type of termination would work. Whether you are satisfied with the particular type of banana plug, is another question.
Personally, I don’t like bananas as a termination regardless of the size....much better to go with a decent spade, IME.