The case for Room Correction
This post is prompted by the very thoughtful and kind reply from RUR, thread going on about Bruce B room and speaker calibration and finally by my own turns and curve in my audiophile journey. I will share my thoughts with the collective and hope I will derive more enjoyment from my music collection, the ultimate goal for me.
First let’s put aside some misconception. What one wants from a transducer is a faithful reproduction of the electrical signal without emphasizing any portion, specific frequency over the other…. IOW we want our transducer to be as linear as possible. We want that to happen in our room. Unless the transducer is designed for our specific room the chance of taking it and dropping it in a room and to see that happen is as good as winning the Lotto each week for a month. Yet it is that we , audiophiles, claim possible and in most ways with a fervor which is as close to a religious belief as I have seen in any hobby.
Most speakers in most rooms behave in a very unfaithful way. Unless heroic actions are taken to treat the room, most rooms exhibits these aberrations and many room have peaks and valley in the order of several dB some time up to 20 dB or even more. Yet , we and surprisingly, some reviewers almost reject the notion of room treatment .. you can then tell the reaction of the same crowd toward Digital (oh the dreaded word0 Room Correction.
I have been on the fence, I like the concept but never, fully committed myself toward even trying it.. I will talk about it, inquire, ask but never bit the (relatively speaking) modest financial bullet. OR even the benign trial.
One more thing: I am fully invested in the multiple subwoofers configuration. Not because of any particular attraction to a frequency band (bass-head snicker) but rather that listening sessions and my measurements coincide in the conclusion that multiple subs in different part of the room either the Harman/ Sean Olive method or the Geddes method produce the best inmost any rooms whether in 2-CH or MC. Tried it, looked weird, sounded best, measured best.
Thus I am interested in DRC but it will be used in a 3-subs Geddes set-up. I like the time alignment possible with any of these.. TacT or DeQX can retard or advance subs and mains to coincide in time at the listening position. As matter of fact if you have subs in your system DRC of any kind are the only way you can have true coherence of all the transducers at the listening position. Unless you use one of the new AV receivers out there which perform the same trick rather easily ..

No other way. Let’s take the example of mains with subs .. ANY subs. The subs are in the back of the main, thus their output arrives a little bit later than that of the mains .. if they are in the front .. their output arrives earlier than that of the mains … It is true our brain/ear apparatus take a little while to process bass information about 50 ms in around 60 Hz, still you don’t have true convergence .. with something like a TaCT or DeQX .. easily done… to the ms or the Hz…
What does one lose when one uses a TaCT in a entirely digital chain? I listen to mostly digital music anyway but have inherited about 1200 LP and some tapes and am in the process of acquiring TT, arms, -Cart, R2R and head amp. But my question remains what does a person lose with a TaCT in an all-digital system.. Even if one decides not to use the DAC in the TaCT using as a only DRC.. What does one lose? Has anybody used such a configuration, that is follow the TaCT with a DAC of supposedly higher performance in the Digital to analog conversion chores? Has anyone used a TaCt or any other DRC with a 3-sub system or used the TacT exclusively to tame the low bass where most room are not good anyway.. I would have loved to leave everything from 500 Hz and up alone relying on passive approach to tame them (maybe some speaker correction in the audible range but not room correction above 500 Hz)..
Thoughts, comments, experience sharing, suggestions, critics (but no flames please) welcome appreciated and expected. More later …
P.S. MArty here has , I believe a system with Tubes (VTL) electronics an Pipedreams speakers with Dual JL Audio Gotham subwoofers .. I would like him to chime him about his particular configuration and hat he has achieved apparently one of the best system around form those who have heard it .. Pinging Marty
Audioguy has always been a proponent of DRC, he is now using Audyssey but (seems to) always had a taCT or other DRC in his signal chain. I need his input as well... Especially what he uses for DAC with the TaCT(when he used it and why he no longer uses the taCT.
I , of course need the advice of RUR who has used several of these DRC and would like to have his take on one that would perform best in a non-dedicated listening environment situation, that I will soon face