I love the feedback on valve rolling but everything is virtually always context related and still quite system specific... every system and listener is adding a range of complex variables.
Descriptors of shifts in character are often invaluable and also guides as to what is preferred can still be helpful (especially if a listener’s system and sonic as well as musical preferences are outlined).
Generalisation on what is best as a tube are perhaps the least indicative of assessments unless confirmed by many listeners in a reasonable range of systems I would figure.
Also reliability is a critical issue with valve selection as well. I had some diamond Teles and they developed noise within a short period. Expensive sadness.
I like to hear about listeners experiences and preferences but it’s wise to take absolute determinations of any component or parts with a grain of salt. Everyone has a personal favourite flavour, but either way it’s just not a universal thang. Subtle heads up. Wash your hands after opening every packet these days... apparently cardboard is a rather good friend of Covid (or so I was told by a rather reliable student today).
Descriptors of shifts in character are often invaluable and also guides as to what is preferred can still be helpful (especially if a listener’s system and sonic as well as musical preferences are outlined).
Generalisation on what is best as a tube are perhaps the least indicative of assessments unless confirmed by many listeners in a reasonable range of systems I would figure.
Also reliability is a critical issue with valve selection as well. I had some diamond Teles and they developed noise within a short period. Expensive sadness.
I like to hear about listeners experiences and preferences but it’s wise to take absolute determinations of any component or parts with a grain of salt. Everyone has a personal favourite flavour, but either way it’s just not a universal thang. Subtle heads up. Wash your hands after opening every packet these days... apparently cardboard is a rather good friend of Covid (or so I was told by a rather reliable student today).