In reference to the Allnic M311 SET and M2500 push-pull, both with tube rectifiers, I purposely purchased the PX25 version of both amps. Two reasons. I wanted hear the characteristics of each amp while keeping the tubes as uniform as able. The M311 has an interchange transformer and less quantity of tubes. Both however are dead silent with your hear to the speaker. As mentioned previously I own the Daedalus Zeus at 99 dB efficiency and has two 10" drivers. Either amp design drives the Daedalus without issue. The bass is something truly amazing. The second reason is I prefer the sonic characteristics of the PX25 - more weighty bass, and a sublime revealing midrange. While the PX25 is 7.5 watts and 20W respectively, the lower wattage does not sacrifice in my system.
Of interest, replacing my 1936 OSRAM PX25 with the KRON modern PX25 really really improved the M2500 in both clarity and dynamics. I since shipped them off to a friend out on the East Coast because he has the Apollo muse and will be purchasing the 11's. He placed these amps on Proac D48R, 90 dB, 4 ohm speakers. "Those amps are current heavy and there is headroom to spare." Impressive! My recommendation in this situation would have been the 100W continuous Pentode KT150s, certainly not the PX25s! This insight is appreciated. The M2500 maintains the micro detailing, texture overall finesse across the midrange SET designs is known for while improving the dynamics, slam factor and extended and focused bass.
300b - have more power: M311 is 10 watt SET, and M2500 is 30W continuous triode push-pull. There are and certainly will be a large variety of modern production tubes. 300b often have better resale value. I purchase for long term investment. Resale value has never been my focus.
(Disclaimer, I am an Allnic dealer after 12 years of being an owner of a large portion of their product line. I am very familiar with the brand overall and my focus here is to provide information. Don Corby of Corby Audio and David Beetles of Hammertone Audio are also highly recommended)