Not sure you're correct about this. The tubes are preamp (gain?) tubes in a Supratek Chardonay preamp.!AqsCKHVTj0ydpkGuRrV4BwVMgWXc?e=KMvFQ6
Since I recall that the gain tubes and cathode followers in my previous PrimaLuna Dialogue preamp could be heard to the tap, I checked some new production 6SN7's I have: the Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB that came with the preamp (early April) and had virtually no use and the Shuguang WE6SN7 I used until the other day. All could be heard through the speaker when tapped. That doesn't mean the Hytron version I wrote about isn't bad. It does sound different through the speaker than the other one when tapped, and *sometimes* when tapped seems prone to extra vibration or something causing the noise I mentioned, that goes on and on. The only other thing I can think of is that the preamp circuit doesn't like the CBS/Hytron GTB, although I wouldn't know why, since it runs well less than max.
Since I recall that the gain tubes and cathode followers in my previous PrimaLuna Dialogue preamp could be heard to the tap, I checked some new production 6SN7's I have: the Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB that came with the preamp (early April) and had virtually no use and the Shuguang WE6SN7 I used until the other day. All could be heard through the speaker when tapped. That doesn't mean the Hytron version I wrote about isn't bad. It does sound different through the speaker than the other one when tapped, and *sometimes* when tapped seems prone to extra vibration or something causing the noise I mentioned, that goes on and on. The only other thing I can think of is that the preamp circuit doesn't like the CBS/Hytron GTB, although I wouldn't know why, since it runs well less than max.