I own an excellent passive preamplifier designed by Ben Duncan, the Audio Synthesis Passion, have owned the Dartzeel for more than one year, as well as an ARC Ref5 and settled with a ARC Reference Anniversary. My choice was only due to my own taste, preferences and existing system, other people will naturally have other preferences.
I have measured all these preamplifiers. Theoretically, no active preamplifier can have lower noise than a properly designed passive and this is was technically confirmed in my measurements. If transparency means electrically neutral , the passive always was the winner in every measurement.
But, as you, I preferred the sound of an active preamplifier every time. So, in my view, the question can be formulated this way - the preamplifier is enhancing our perception of excellent sound by addition, subtraction or both?
By addition I mean it is modifying the electrical signal in a way it enhances it in a way we get a picture that better re-approaches the real thing, after all the processing the signal is submitted between the sound wave and the recording. Subtractive would mean that some spurious information that is added in the process is removed again form the signal, making it more like the real again.
I accept one thing - neither my preamplifier or yours are more neutral than a good passive used properly! Used properly means that you respect the output and input impedance (resistance and capacitance ) of the devices and cables used in the system.
But in our view the difference was enough to persuade us to pay for it!