Excellent question! the answer is: it depends. Some of our clients have worked on "team tactics", with both contributing to a plan of action. This can be "you move the kids toward safety, and make sure I stay between you and the bad guy" or it can be "I'll stay in front of him and you come in from the side and kick him in the knee" The response will depend upon the level of training and confidence you both possess, and the "need" inspired by the situation.
A highly-regarded martial artist named Tony Blauer once said, "If you came home and I had your daughter tied up on the kitchen table as I was taking my pants off, how much martial arts would you need to know?" The rage and immediacy of this type of situation has caused thousands of people to act in vicious self-defense. The element of moral commitment cannot be underestimated! We often read stories about the little old lady who fended off the bad guy.... it's the same outrage that fuels us once we've decided to act.
Lee, let me give you a big THANK YOU for taking the time in all these self defense threads. I have read them all and
I find them fascinating. You have been most generous!
I do have one quick point. There are attacks you hear about where the attacker was just out to hurt some one, ANYONE.
Unfortunately for those who get picked, there is no way to diffuse the situation. The attacker is DETERMINED to
have a physical encounter and and inflict damage. It DOES become a matter of defense and
survival. Do you often hear about these encounters?
I am sure much of it involves those with extreme anger issues, anti social tendencies, and alcohol.