I'm not sure why a laser works any better than sighting along a yardstick or similar, but I know how some people like high tech
Over the past 6 mos I've had my speakers in several different positions with variable amounts of toe-in; I must admit I have a pretty hard time determining an absolute preference for any one combination of toe-in and positioning. All sound somewhat different, several are very pleasing.
A laser is a good idea, especially if you have a scale posted behind the listener on a tripod or wall. With the precision of a laser, you can get the speakers to be within 1/16" or so of exact toe in and surprisingly, I have found tiny increments can make the difference between very good and excellent. Doing it by sight along the edge of the speaker will never get you this precision. I do the same for tweeter distance to listener and for tilt and height. At a certain level, it all matters, IME.