Hi there R J,A very happy New Year to you as well and to everyone here on WBF! Woof! to 2023
Yes, I have auditioned subs with CLX's and although certainly great in every way of LF heft, it's not my thing. For many years I've used full range speakers, mostly panels; Infinity IRS1B, Epsilon, Apogee Diva's, nearly every Maggie model from the MGIIIa to the MG20.1's, Quad ESL's and now ML's. The type of music I listen to ever rarely reaches below 45Hz... Vocals, strings, piano, small jazz ensembles that's about it! Just the other day, I was listening to Keith Jarret's concert in Klon (however you spell it...) the sub never kicked in. After nearly 4 years of going without a sub, I started listening to music from Grant Green, Bob James trio, Holly Cole, Sade, Lee Ritenour, Larry Carlton, Patricia Barber, Lizz Wright and Cassandra Wilson on vinyl, and realized there was a certain amount of LF layering that the CLX's couldn't reproduce on their own full range. The LF detail was certainly evident, due to its double bass stat panels but it lacked a certain amount of weight and tonal heft. So, this was where I added the sub and the presentation was more believable. Did have the thought of adding one more, just to balance it out but in that case I would need a much larger room. With the single BF210, the LF layering, weight and tonal balance is just perfect. Don't want to overdo it... and like I said most of the time the sub sleeps in standby mode. I have addressed this before on the forum under my post "BF210" when I got this in Sept, and I was replying to Ron R, when in fact he did ask me about adding a second one... so no, it's not required in my particular room & setup.
All the very best for 2023, hope everyone is in good health and most of all, enjoying those fine tunes!
Cheers, RJ
Cool to hear your story. Impressed of all the speakers you have owned. Japp, I can understand what you mean. If you are happy with your sound, then I am VERY happy for you my friend. Music is the ting!
Would love to hear your CLX’s at your place!
There are times when I just mute my sub-tower too with some music.. The ReQuest do their thing without the subs and it sounds great. But subs may be good in some rooms even if you don’t run them at full volyme. Just to add a sub to the system may be the thing to complete the sound and to wrap up the hole soundstage, so to speak. And in (my) opinion, you don’t need a bigger room just to add another sub. My room is 4 meters wide and 6 meters long, so it’s 24 m2 and I got 8 ML subs… (kind of crazy, I know - but I’m a Swede you know)… .
Anyway.. I run my subs at such a low volyme that even when I turn all my spekers off and just run the subs… -all my visitors who’s in for a demo, just scratch their heads… because they can’t belive that they are running at such low volyme. That is kind of cool to show?.
The really cool thing is that, despite the low volyme, they do change the atmospheric preasure in the room, which in hand makes the overall sound from your front speakers act like your front speakers are MUCH bigger than they really are… pure physics… Super cool !!
Another thing: I play all kinds of music all the time… so the cool thing of having all the subs with the extern volyme control next to the sweetspot are that you have the option to make everything sound great…
Lets say I play Miles Davis, or Chet Baker or a very soft female voice like Sofie Zelmani or such, then I don’t need much of the subs, so they usually stays in their reference position.. which is low (very low).
Then I want to play some Def Leppard or Metallica, or Pink Floyd to name a few, with a little bit of live-feel to it… perhaps with some raised volyme just for the stadion-feel to it… Than I have the option to push up the volyme on the subs and fill a little bit just so you get that right ”live-bass-sound”… and there you have it… The whaoo-effect. Audiophilic correct.. I don’t know… all I know is that it sounds amazing what ever I put on, and that I at least have the OPTION to make some changes to the sound, if that is what I feel for at that particular moment.
Then if I play Yello or some electronic psycadelic trancemusic (which I absolutly love due to the energy in the music)… then the bass maby is a little bit TOO rich… than I just turn the subs down or in some cases just mute them.. and you get the same whaoo-effect.. cool is’t it..??!
Btw: here’s the bass-curve of my front subs, supporting my ReQuests.. and the crossover, where the subs kicks in is set to 42Hz.. and goes strait and under 15Hz where diagram stops, but the bass-curve goes on……..
All the best
/ Jk