Statement e2 has come available…

A very happy New Year to you as well and to everyone here on WBF! Woof! to 2023

Yes, I have auditioned subs with CLX's and although certainly great in every way of LF heft, it's not my thing. For many years I've used full range speakers, mostly panels; Infinity IRS1B, Epsilon, Apogee Diva's, nearly every Maggie model from the MGIIIa to the MG20.1's, Quad ESL's and now ML's. The type of music I listen to ever rarely reaches below 45Hz... Vocals, strings, piano, small jazz ensembles that's about it! Just the other day, I was listening to Keith Jarret's concert in Klon (however you spell it...) the sub never kicked in. After nearly 4 years of going without a sub, I started listening to music from Grant Green, Bob James trio, Holly Cole, Sade, Lee Ritenour, Larry Carlton, Patricia Barber, Lizz Wright and Cassandra Wilson on vinyl, and realized there was a certain amount of LF layering that the CLX's couldn't reproduce on their own full range. The LF detail was certainly evident, due to its double bass stat panels but it lacked a certain amount of weight and tonal heft. So, this was where I added the sub and the presentation was more believable. Did have the thought of adding one more, just to balance it out but in that case I would need a much larger room. With the single BF210, the LF layering, weight and tonal balance is just perfect. Don't want to overdo it... and like I said most of the time the sub sleeps in standby mode. I have addressed this before on the forum under my post "BF210" when I got this in Sept, and I was replying to Ron R, when in fact he did ask me about adding a second one... so no, it's not required in my particular room & setup.

All the very best for 2023, hope everyone is in good health and most of all, enjoying those fine tunes!
Cheers, RJ
Hi there R J,

Cool to hear your story. Impressed of all the speakers you have owned. Japp, I can understand what you mean. If you are happy with your sound, then I am VERY happy for you my friend. Music is the ting!
Would love to hear your CLX’s at your place!

There are times when I just mute my sub-tower too with some music.. The ReQuest do their thing without the subs and it sounds great. But subs may be good in some rooms even if you don’t run them at full volyme. Just to add a sub to the system may be the thing to complete the sound and to wrap up the hole soundstage, so to speak. And in (my) opinion, you don’t need a bigger room just to add another sub. My room is 4 meters wide and 6 meters long, so it’s 24 m2 and I got 8 ML subs… (kind of crazy, I know - but I’m a Swede you know)… .
Anyway.. I run my subs at such a low volyme that even when I turn all my spekers off and just run the subs… -all my visitors who’s in for a demo, just scratch their heads… because they can’t belive that they are running at such low volyme. That is kind of cool to show?.
The really cool thing is that, despite the low volyme, they do change the atmospheric preasure in the room, which in hand makes the overall sound from your front speakers act like your front speakers are MUCH bigger than they really are… pure physics… Super cool !!

Another thing: I play all kinds of music all the time… so the cool thing of having all the subs with the extern volyme control next to the sweetspot are that you have the option to make everything sound great…
Lets say I play Miles Davis, or Chet Baker or a very soft female voice like Sofie Zelmani or such, then I don’t need much of the subs, so they usually stays in their reference position.. which is low (very low).
Then I want to play some Def Leppard or Metallica, or Pink Floyd to name a few, with a little bit of live-feel to it… perhaps with some raised volyme just for the stadion-feel to it… Than I have the option to push up the volyme on the subs and fill a little bit just so you get that right ”live-bass-sound”… and there you have it… The whaoo-effect. Audiophilic correct.. I don’t know… all I know is that it sounds amazing what ever I put on, and that I at least have the OPTION to make some changes to the sound, if that is what I feel for at that particular moment.
Then if I play Yello or some electronic psycadelic trancemusic (which I absolutly love due to the energy in the music)… then the bass maby is a little bit TOO rich… than I just turn the subs down or in some cases just mute them.. and you get the same whaoo-effect.. cool is’t it..??!

Btw: here’s the bass-curve of my front subs, supporting my ReQuests.. and the crossover, where the subs kicks in is set to 42Hz.. and goes strait and under 15Hz where diagram stops, but the bass-curve goes on……..

All the best

/ Jk
Dear Martin Logan owners,
Here’s what I did.. I made my own small M-L Statement with my Request (some 20+ years) and a total of 6 M-L BF-210 and integrated it to my system. The system goes flat down under 15Hz, with no effort at all.
The sub-towers are integrated in such way that they just extand the ReQuests and changes the atmospheric preasure in the room. I use the Krell KAV 250p as volume control for the subs. The extern volyme control is raised to the middle of it’s scale and set as a reference volyme… When I need to fil or when I need to lower the subs, I just adjust the extern volyme control a little bit up or down from it’s center reference volyme. Very convenient and very easy to manage.
It was tough a nightmare to install and setup and find all the right volymes for everything, but now… when they are integrated, you can’t hear that there are 12 10-inch drivers behind the ReQuests… The only thing you hear is a pair of BIG ReQuests… hehe.


/ JkView attachment 102130View attachment 102131View attachment 102132View attachment 102133
Looks spectacular! Very very impressive how polished the entire room looks and with a lot of equipment no less. Super duper impressive!
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Thank you R J,

Yes - I will enjoy the tune, I’ll promise!

Btw: Have you ever considered puting a stack of subs on each side of your beautiful CLX-ART’s? A very good approach would be a pair of BF-212, one on each side…

A more beasty approach would be three BF-212 on each side.. then you would hava a small statement too…

Just the change of atmospheric preasure in the room and the amount of bass drivers will help the mids and the top end to perform even better too…Tuned in just so the CLX extends to the Marianer trench…(if you know what I mean).

But don’t blame me for puting funny thoughts in your mind now… haha…

It would be cool though!

Yes, it will be very cool to here about Lagondas progress with the ”real” Statement’s. He’s got litterly a TON of work with those.. Very cool indeed!

Happy New Year, R J !!!

All the best

/ Johan
You did an inspiringly good job of creating that subtower. Had we the width to do it properly, then definitely the way to go for us. And definitely one to keep in mind for the future.
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Looks spectacular! Very very impressive how polished the entire room looks and with a lot of equipment no less. Super duper impressive!
Dear LL21,

Thank you soo much for you kind words, I really appreciate it..

Happy New Year to you..

All the best

/ Jk
You did an inspiringly good job of creating that subtower. Had we the width to do it properly, then definitely the way to go for us. And definitely one to keep in mind for the future.
Dear LL21,

Thank you once again for your kind words.

/ Jk
Attn: Lagonda... incoming from down unda...
How are those Evo-II's going mate?

Hope all is well and the stats are firing away tickety boo. Have you managed to position in the bass towers as yet? What distance did you finally settle on, of course depending on the room at that back wall... and how far have you placed the Evo-II's stat panels from the front wall?

Distance between... are you looking at positioning directly straight down the line or are you angling inwards slightly? Also what's the distance on listening position? Do you feel they require more time to run-in...

Must be truly marvellous!
Woof! RJ
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Reactions: Lagonda and Johan K
Attn: Lagonda... incoming from down unda...
How are those Evo-II's going mate?

Hope all is well and the stats are firing away tickety boo. Have you managed to position in the bass towers as yet? What distance did you finally settle on, of course depending on the room at that back wall... and how far have you placed the Evo-II's stat panels from the front wall?

Distance between... are you looking at positioning directly straight down the line or are you angling inwards slightly? Also what's the distance on listening position? Do you feel they require more time to run-in...

Must be truly marvellous!
Woof! RJ
Still adjusting, have the stat-towers a little more than 5 feet from front wall, listening position about 13 feet from speakers. I have had them out to 7 feet from front wall, angled in a little . With bass towers behind in the corners. Just assembled second set of bass-towers and will try them in a more forward position, the first set have been spiked, second set is on sliders. Sound is very good, but bass integration is not perfect yet.
Sounds awesome Lagonda, can just imagine the end result - if there is such a thing. Would be nice to know how Hanne Boel’s album ”Dark Passion” will sound when the system goes for 100%…. Like a live consert I think.. Cool!! Happy acoustic tuning.

Btw: this fine catalog came out from my hidings

All the best

/ Jk
Attn: Lagonda

How's it going mate? What's the latest and greatest on those Evo-II's? Haven't heard much news from your end since your last post... and I didn't see you jumping up & down on CNN either... so what's going on mate?

I'm sure they're sounding marvellous but these sort of big set-ups takes a while. It's not an easy task and every piece has to nicely fit, hence this could take a year or so.

Let us know the latest. I was just thinking about the Evo-II's when I came across a write up in an old TAS cut out one chap had sent me. Man, were those the days, nothing quite like them, truly one of a kind in stats.

Cheers, RJ
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Attn: Johan K

There he is!
Hey mate, I was just listening to a Duo who I've known for a very very long time. I used to pump iron listening to their music, in fact my entire rugby team used to pump iron listening to their music and sadly they're no more. None other than Roxette! I remember you're from Sweden, so thought I'd share this with your mob.

I had the great pleasure of meeting Marie! She was a real super star, and such a gorgeous person. Real beauty! We were all very sad to hear about her passing when it happened a while back. The most ironic thing is, if any of us are still pumping iron and we listen to Roxette, we just tend to lift more, ha!

Didn't get a chance to meet Per Ges, he was busy signing... but Marie was like a demi-god. Such a beautiful talent.
Cheers to Roxette! Another one of a kind, no other group quite like them, and their music is timeless.
Woofty woof'n! RJ
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Attn: Lagonda

How's it going mate? What's the latest and greatest on those Evo-II's? Haven't heard much news from your end since your last post... and I didn't see you jumping up & down on CNN either... so what's going on mate?

I'm sure they're sounding marvellous but these sort of big set-ups takes a while. It's not an easy task and every piece has to nicely fit, hence this could take a year or so.

Let us know the latest. I was just thinking about the Evo-II's when I came across a write up in an old TAS cut out one chap had sent me. Man, were those the days, nothing quite like them, truly one of a kind in stats.

Cheers, RJ
I am lazy, here are exerts from my PM with Johan ! ;)
"It is a matter of time and trying all combinations, took me year to dial in my subs with the MBL's. The trick is to note your best sound, and still keep trying, even if it sounds great, sometimes great is very close to fantastic, and you can risk settling because you have not heard fantastic yet. The right combination of surface and feet/spikes is also important because the crossover can not change the Q of the woofers, and placement also becomes important because of limited phase settings. The big MBL's have dials for both, and can more easily be set right. Changing feet/spikes is not an easy task, and i have help about once a week."
I have gone to a variation of different spikes/spike cups/ feet and concrete slabs with both felt and carpet.
"Position of both speakers and listening position is very good now, controlling resonances from the floor speaker interface to a point where the Q is similar, and getting the delay/phase right is what is hard. These speakers put a lot of energy into the floor, at higher levels ( above 83db C) muddies the integration, and bass definition. I have 6 slabs of 60x60 55 kg concrete slabs painted black, ready to load down the wood floor where it is needed. If that don't do the trick i will tear up my beautiful wood floor under the speakers and fill up the floor with concrete and granit ! :eek:
Attn: Johan K

There he is!
Hey mate, I was just listening to a Duo who I've known for a very very long time. I used to pump iron listening to their music, in fact my entire rugby team used to pump iron listening to their music and sadly they're no more. None other than Roxette! I remember you're from Sweden, so thought I'd share this with your mob.

I had the great pleasure of meeting Marie! She was a real super star, and such a gorgeous person. Real beauty! We were all very sad to hear about her passing when it happened a while back. The most ironic thing is, if any of us are still pumping iron and we listen to Roxette, we just tend to lift more, ha!

Didn't get a chance to meet Per Ges, he was busy signing... but Marie was like a demi-god. Such a beautiful talent.
Cheers to Roxette! Another one of a kind, no other group quite like them, and their music is timeless.
Woofty woof'n! RJ
Hi R J,

Wonderful to hear from you again, it’s been a while ;) . Yes Roxette is / was one supergroup, almost like ABBA…. I rank them very very high on my list of great rock/pop groups…. and I have listen to them very much through the years. As you said - their music is timeless indeed. My all time favorite song from Roxette has to be ”Neverending Love” from their first album ”Pearls Of Passion”. I’m glad to hear that you guys was getting going to Roxette and that they made you do those extra reps on the biceps curls, hahaha!!

I can’t say me myself was pumping iron to Roxette… It was a little bit to soft when squating 250kg for 10-12 reps, or when going beserk on the T-bar rowing, haha…. Then it was Accept, Saxon, Ozzy, AC/DC, Magnum, Iron Maiden, and such. But that was all back in the good ol’ 80-90s. My prime was back in -97. I’ve been lifting weights on and off through the years since then, but now I’ve had a small paus since Sep. 2019, due to a heavy work load and some other reasons, (and ofcourse the pandemic) but planing on getting back to business soon. Always great to feel the pump in the muscles after a nice intence workout, especially going into the summer here soon, wouldn’t you say!?

I never had the chance to see Roxette live, and I never met Marie. However… in the early 2000s I had a fiancee in Halmstad on the south west coast of Sweden. Halmstad is the home city of Per Gessle. One day we were out walking the dog just next to Per’s house, when he just came walking like any other person, so we said hi, and talked a few words… very nice genleman, and very humble regular guy. It was very nice to meet him up close with such an ease and normal simplicity. So cheers to Roxette:D!

Cheers / Jk
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Ah! Lagonda looks like the Evo-II's project is well on the way... proper set-up will take its course. No rush I guess, just enjoy those fine tunes whenever possible, with or without concrete flooring! I'm sure when it's all nicely dialled in, you'll know straight away! That sheer transparency in ML stats has always been their hallmark, simply superb!

Nice one Johan, meeting Per G would've been a treat! Like I said, we were right there pretty close but he was quite busy signing autographs... so we met Marie instead, how lovely!
Cheers maties, RJ
  • Like
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Ah! Lagonda looks like the Evo-II's project is well on the way... proper set-up will take its course. No rush I guess, just enjoy those fine tunes whenever possible, with or without concrete flooring! I'm sure when it's all nicely dialled in, you'll know straight away! That sheer transparency in ML stats has always been their hallmark, simply superb!

Nice one Johan, meeting Per G would've been a treat! Like I said, we were right there pretty close but he was quite busy signing autographs... so we met Marie instead, how lovely!
Cheers maties, RJ
Thank you R J ;) !

/ Jk

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