I'm not sure I'd call ripple noise, sure, technically, but I call it ripple for a reason. If you mean what the cap banks should capture, well, I don't think they do much of that honestly until you do something like your CLC.
The jury's out still on the best term for it. Ripple is normally used to indicate stuff from rectification of mains (100/120Hz and harmonics) however I'm not meaning that, I'm meaning the hash put on the rails by virtue of the current going into the speaker. Agreed that CLC (or CLCLC) is about the best way to reduce mains ripple to insignificance. This hash is particularly bad news for SQ when it gets into the audio because its got very strong correlation with the audio itself so the perceptual processing of the brain does not recognize it as benign noise (and hence disregard it) rather it gets integrated into what we hear.