Well, I installed the amps yesterday. Rick Brown from Hi Fi One had already burned them in, so they sounded great to me out of the box. These amps are even more resolving and transparent that the ZOTL 40's which got me on this path in the first place. What they also have over the 40's is a lot more power and low end control. A very sweet midrange for both male and female voices. Classical quartets sound like they are live and in the room. Digital or LP, it didn't matter, a violin sounds like a violin, a cello like a cello, and a viola like a viola. Jazz was even better with horns lifelike and dynamic, drum kit with sharp transients on snare and cymbals, piano sounding just right, and the double bass getting down and dirty in a good way. Power and control of the low end was never an issue. These amps handled everything I through at them. E Power Biggs on pipe organ, Boz Skagg's "Thanks To You", and even the Decca 1812 Overture. The 845's together with the Q-Subs just cruised along through all of them. I was prepared to keep my Constellations for the 10% of music I figured the 845's wouldn't handle but after two days of listening, I'm putting them up for sale. They are totally redundant. I did a lot of A-B-A testing to compare the two amps and there was nothing where the Constellation was better and it was quite often worse, especially in the upper treble which really surprised me. The 845's also throw a wider and deeper sound stage on big orchestral pieces than the Centaurs which have a tendency to keep everything focused right in front of me. They both image very well, but the 845s give me a better sense of the width of the stage or venue.
Since I live just outside of DC, as does David Berning, I had a chance to host David today for about 5 hours. I asked him to bring some of his own material for evaluation and also played him a lot of mine. It was great to meet him, talk about his background, and get more indepth on what makes the 845 special. I have not tried the 211's yet but strongly suspect those are not going to be my tube of choice for most music based on what I've been hearing and just what people have described to me about the 211's.
Anyway, as a someone who always thought solid state was the way to go for max power, transparency, and resolution - I have learned a lot in the last few weeks. I'm happy I got past my bias against tubes and used my ears to make a decision and now, I'm sure I have a lot more to learn about tubes.