Terminator Dark Fate


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2010
Manila, Philippines
More incredible effects even with just about the same story line. Will watch this.

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Looks quite interesting
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Hard to say... the one before this was REALLY bad. I’m not a big fan of the super nano-tech type stuff. I can’t be dazzled into thinking bad writing and acting makes a good movie because the tech is interesting.

I thought the one with Christian Bale was kind if a let down... now it’s good compared to what came after. Frankly even with the silly mistakes the forst two were BY FAR the best, by miles and miles.
Emilia Clark was a pathetic whimpering little snot of a human that would get crushed under the weight of the stress before a fight started... Linda Hamilton screamed badass without even trying. IMO Emilia was one of the worst castings in history in of film - so ya I'm glad Linda Hamilton is around I guess. It is sorta pathetic that they have to bring back substance with really old actors however... just pick new actors that have substance, what's the god damn problem with that????? They just won't do it.
LOL. The last Terminator with Emilia Clark was great. It was a while before I realized she is in Game Of Thrones.
So, I just turned my basic TV Blue Ray player on, and that Terminator was in the player. LOL
Just a thought...wouldn't this film have made more sense if it was called "Terminator Grey Fate"? :D

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