My Big Bang filter baskets are all 25 gram. I was using them when I was trying updosing with over roasted coffee, rather than finer grinding, to slow extraction times. At one point, I really liked them. But as I got away from those coffees, and went back toward 18 to 20 gram doses, they became annoying to work with.
I have an 18 gram and a couple of 20 gram BaristaPro filter baskets, and the 20 gram have really become my go to baskets.
In my experience, it is best to settle on some gear and then figure out how to dial it in. I found that even nominally identical bits don’t necessarily perform the same. I’ve got a drawer full of puck screens, portafilters, baskets, and other accoutrements. I have figured out two sets that are not only nominally identical, but also performance identical, and I use those two sets.