There is really only needed one modern specification, that is exercising the input with mutltiple tones and multiple amplitudes simultaneousy and looking at the output will not see that in any magazine but thats what the pros do and don't tell you. So, you do not get to see the only spec that matters as far as accuracy to the source signal.....which for plain old stereo does not necessarily mean it will sound good to you.
Plain old stereo sounds good to you when recorded or tone control processed in a manner that sounds good to you. And you and the next guy like different things and your ear/brain interface is different and thus the processing of the stereo image is different, etc. It is that simple really. Audio is simple, but we are not.
When I refer to tone controls, I am referring to at any one time:
source electronics
amplification electronics including conventional "tone controls" equalizers, processors, etc.
your ears
your ear/brain interface
They are ALL tone controls, they all dink around with the signal.