The DH220 like all amps has its strengths and weaknesess when it comes to personal taste in what one likes in music. For me, if it was a kit that was wired correctly as far as wire layout it works fine, but there may be some cases where wiring can be run so sloppily that the mosfets can break in to oscillations and this can be heard as a more "solid state" sound. IF this is not the case, the amp has its own harmonic spray and does just fine in the lows and mids and highs as long as it is not clipped. For me, the little know secret is how the amp sounds when it is mono bridged. It is effortless and the new harmonic spray pattern is enticing. And 450 watts of clean undistorted power is nice too.
If your idea of great sound is the romance of tube sound then don't expect it from the DH220 in stereo or bridged, it aint gonna happen. This is a high fidelity amplifier first and foremost. It does not have much extra dynamic range, that is, don't peak it out much above its rated power, it has about 1db or so of headroom, but if you have 440 clean watts at hand, then it should play loud enough for most anybody. Speaking of speaker interfacing, in the mono bridged mode you are looking at (per my measurments) atleast 400 watts from6 ohms to10 ohms and 350 from 5 to 15 ohms so it has a good power band, and this converts to freedom from listening fatigue experienced by lesser powered amps.
Having said that, no one should try to run nominal 3 ohm speakers with this amp as it simply loses too much power at that low an impedance.
Its a fine looking amp, a beautiful classy smoky color and the heatsinks are rounded so you don't cut yourself if you lift it up for some reason. The circuitry is a short discrete path with only 6 or so active devices per polarity, with only one cap at the input (for dc protection) then direct coupled all the way to the output. It is an elegant circuit and simple enough but not too simple. If you know solid state electronics you will appreciate the power and elegance of the circuitry.
In mono bridged it is superb IMO. David Hafler knew what he was doing at Dynaco, ortofon and the David Hafler company and I would not trust anyones opinion about the capabilities of this unit any more than trusting their opinion of any audio component. That includes trusting my opinion, but if you do listen to one, (they are 35 years old now) make sure it has been tested by a tech who knows what he is doing before passing judgement. AND listen to it in bridged will be saaweeeeet!