That's why I put the word "quality" in quotes, thus. They may not be recorded well, but the musical message still gets through; the "awfulness" of the recording can easily be put to one side by your mind, without special effort, and the detail picked up by the microphone still conjures up a sufficient illusion.* By the way, I disagree with you regarding that "all" recordings are quality recordings.
No way Jose, some sound awful, and no matter what!
That's how I've got my systems to the state that I often mention in the forum. I put on a recording, and it sounds "awful": so, I say, why does it sound bad, and the answer always is that the level of distortion I can hear is too high. So next step is to try and work out where that distortion is coming from, and from experience, I assume that it is not in the recording. I always, always find that there is a problem in my audio setup that is the underlying real problem, so next trick is to sort that out, and, hey presto, that unpleasant recording is not so bad after all ...