Thanks, a lot to learn here…I did upgrade the firmware to 2.0. Laser dimming mode 3 was added with that fw version, and the other two LD modes have picture quality issues.
I agree about high laser for HDR content. (My pj is calibrated with the color filter in place.) The increased fan noise in high laser mode can be bothersome, but I have my pj set back in a cubby which lowers the noise level.
The aperture in these models is manual. I liked the auto iris in my RS600, but unfortunately that feature's gone.
I'm very happy with my high gain screen. The gain is 2.4 if you wear the pj as a hat, but the further off axis that you get, the lower the gain. (Glass-beaded screens send light back to the light source.) I get around 2.0 gain with my setup. HDR and 3D content really benefit from a high gain screen, so I'm in no rush to replace it.
Let us know how you like your 25LTD. I'm sure that you'll be very pleased!
Do you like Laser Dimming Mode 3 best?
I will also use High Laser for HDR with the Wide Color Filter. There’s a wider color gamut in HDR for a reason, might as well try to see as much of it as possible.
I also have a Lumagen which outputs in SDR always, so it does the tone mapping.